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Unending Love and Harmony symbols for Bedroom / easy writing symbol video/ 7 Important Feng Shuii Tips to Choose Art above your Bed

Unending love, each one wishes for this that the couple have pure love and respect for each other and to sail happily in this life. There are symbols that assist with this energy boost and you will find that displaying some bedroom's symbols can activate love energy and bring harmony and joy between the couple. Which are these bedroom symbols? sharing in this post about mystic knot and infinity symbol, read below and some amazing tips to choose art above your bed!
Soul Mates Reiki art for love

Red Infinity reiki collage art by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Romantic expressions reiki floral art for bedroom

Reiki blue infinity symbol art

Golden tea times Reiki family blessings art for dining kitchen room

The Mystic knot, Unending knot, limitless knot, snake that eats its tail,  is a beautiful symbol from Tibetan Buddhism and in feng shui it has been proved to be one of the most effective in promoting harmony, love and happiness in the family.
Bedroom feng shui involves displaying symbols of dual energies, the Yin as well as the yang, only when there is a balance, does life go around smoothly for the married couple.
Most beautiful gifts for newly married couples would be to gift a healing feng shui painting along with best guidelines for displaying in the best locations to attract happiness and harmony in their new life.
Meaning of Mystic knot- Interesting symbol flowing from one starting point continuing with its energy and ending overlapping. the mystic knot also symbolizes a snake that eats its tail.
Reiki Two Hearts Painting for Love and Happiness

How to write mystic knot? watch in this short You Tube video on my Channel The Red Pilgrim.
Thus symbolizing reality of life and death a  cycle of life , birth and rebirth. One of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism this one is seen in many forms and art objects. From paintings to be displayed this Mystic knot symbol is seen in feng shui jewelry, gift articles, wind chimes, clothes prints as well as daily use objects with the image of the  symbol.
Mystic knot or unending knot as it is termed has immense chi, and helps to attract happiness , prosperity and peace in any space. This also can be used to attract harmony in office space by making the environment active, and energetic,  between employer and employees in harmony.
Displaying symbols is an important part of feng shui symbolism and the Mystic Knot is one powerful feng shui cure to heal relationships and attract great relations.
Infinity symbols are also chosen by many to hang in bedroom for limitless unending love energy. The infinity symbol s very powerful and beautiful and has its energy flowing inter twined with each other. Just be careful to display the infinity symbol with utmost care. In case you are prone to getting angry irritable or have continuous arguments between your partner then such symbols bring a negative loop energy that continues with more arguments and bickering. So juts have pure intentions and keep the space happy other wise its better to avoid such symbols and choose clear texts messages of love art or inspiring family bonding artworks that have simple pure clear energy to bring harmony and joy to your and your family. 
Above the bed feng shuii is amazing to bless the couple and have healthy sexual relationships with love and respect. Art above the bed can bless the couple with so much energy especially Reiki energy paintings spread the vibes for the couple as they rest and wake up energized.  
Harmony chocolatey colour reiki art for love

 7 tips to choose Above bed art Paintings above the head rest- 
1) Choose red, orange, pinks,Feng Shuii has a list of colours for love sector. You can go for a modern colour or your preference from this energy list. 
2) choose in pairs, always. The images in the painting, be it flowers, birds or squares, must always be in pairs. 
3) Subject of the artwork. see that the images are clearly indicating bonding. Raging bulls and angry elephants are symbolic of fire energy.  which will lead to misunderstanding, arguments, and in some cases separation.
Large canvas paintings for sale

experience live flow of Reiki energy in this You Tube Channel The Red Pilgrim video finding your soul mate Reiki one minute video healing arts meditation
4) If there is a single object in the painting you can choose two frames. Two flower frames, two birds, but it's best to always remember with Bedroom Feng Shuii,  in pairs. 
5) No over sized huge frames above headboard. It puts pressure on the couple. No horses in Bedroom! No Elephants, No angry birds, No bulls, No Hawks or eagles, no thundering scenes, no dark skies, no swords, knifes. No sharp pointed geometric artworks. 
6) Even if your Bedroom falls in the wealth sector you will not put water paintings here.
 7) If your fame sector falls in Bedroom, choose colour red or Feng Shuii elements symbol for fire. Avoid fire image paintings above your bed. 
Also Avoid having candles burning images above bed. we don't want the couple to be burning with fire energy alwsy in argumentative recharged mode.  
Art in Bedroom is a sure shot to cure any relationship and are strongest love cures. 
Also beneficial to rekindle the passion and desire for love between couples. Couples even on the verge of separation can save their relationship with simple Feng Shuii art , advice and activating Feng Shuii correctly. Try it, it works! You can add art in Bedroom as side table art too.
This is beautiful energy to have similar sized art frames on both side tables of your bed. 
Hope this helps you and this post has been of value to you and your time!
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! 
 A Reiki Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art  dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my spiritual paintings.  You Tuber The Red Pilgrim
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How art can heal Symbols of Forgiveness is a Powerful word Chinese symbol of Forgiveness

Symbols of forgiveness, when displayed can help alleviate healing. Quotes and thoughts expressed by famous motivational speakers and spiritual leaders all come down to one word, forgiveness. This is the most powerful word that I have noticed helps one to accept so many things, people and situations. Forgiveness opens new energies for us to clear the past battles and negative blocks and opens us for a welcoming new vibrant future.
Chinese symbols are special characters that are written with strokes , lines,  that form an image in themselves. A simple character has a long explanation and meaning in words. Beautiful symbols help to connect the mind and brain to focus on the images.Understanding symbolism behind these helps the mind body and spirit to heal faster. A gradual progress in my art, from simple shapes to lines  to symbols have brought about a spiritual healing from within and thus making me open up as a channel to spread healing.
Karmic Healer Forgiveness energy healing art Rizwana

All Around There is Love Healing Art Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Beautiful healing of the Soul , Contemporary Modern Healing Art Rizwana A.Mundewadi
The one word changes lives. Forgiveness comes only after a long process of acceptance of every human being is going through their own battles, life journey. Forgiving some one is the most difficult thing and that one barrier that stops progress. Forgiveness does not have to be that you become friends with those. It is just that things dont matter so much after the heart accepts.  In fact there is a different type of feeling, emotion for those who have done wrong or somehow  affected your life adversely.   I have come to understand and accept that each one is just playing their own role. Just what has been given to them. Its just a matter of luck some come as friends and some as teachers!
Reiki has helped me a lot in overcoming my life struggles...once that I was so quiet , people notice have bloomed into an awesum individual!
Observing and surrounding your self with symbols are a great reminder for your life journey and helps to keep focus in life.
Chinese symbol for forgiveness
Forgiveness the Karmic Healer
Forgive , to pardon, the Pictogram, Chinese symbol of forgiveness, suggests that heart is made for forgiveness. putting yourself in others shoes, understanding and thus bringing about an energy of letting go. My healing art is always a beautiful energy combination of Reiki and Chinese Characters.
Thank you and God Bless from Rizwana!

Healing Art opens the mind body and spirit for healing Meaning of Opening the Heart Reiki Symbol

"Opening our hearts", acceptance is the miracle word. Reiki symbols guide us to go through the process of healing faster and make way for a vibrant future. Each one goes through life's experiences but only on acceptance do other doors open, a pure light that leads to happiness, harmony and peace.
No I do not say there will be no problems in life, it is our attitude that will change, towards each experience. Some where along the road a positive energy always begins to move with us guiding us and sending hope from what would have been a disastrous situation some time back.
Symbols are a physical form that can be viewed by eyes and many of us require something physical to connect with. No wonder since ages symbols of hope, spirituality, religion have made places in our Hearts and homes.
"Mental blocks" is what you must have heard of, is one of the most dangerous reasons for not getting healed. Understanding this term, simply means your heart and mind is closed and not willing to accept situations, people and circumstances.
More so I have also observed over the years that these blocks often lead to chronic diseases and body gives out this stored negative energy in many unexpected forms. More so it appears as chronic diseases that even after taking best medications are not healed.
Healing art, symbols, in simpler terms,  it is a friend, partner all along that assists us in our daily lives and helps us to lead a confident and well adjusted life.
A connection between the healer, the healee and the Universal life force is what brings about miraculous changes in life.
Difficult too express in words, simply put you will feel more happiness and enjoy life from heart!
A Swirl of Healing , Mixed Media Healing Painting on paper Rizwana A.Mundewadi
That is  the POWER of Healing art!
All the Best from Rizwana!


Horse Sculptures and Paintings Not working for you?why some horse paintings don't bring luck?

 Horse Sculptures and Paintings are Not working for you, your  Home, and why do some horse paintings not work the way you expect them to? Sharing here some important information that will help you understand galloping horse paintings energy and why it is not working as lucky for you.  Horse energy is the best and strongest one as in feng shui these are symbols of strength, speed, honour, success and positive energy. Horses love some spaces and when a good horse painting is hung here show great results fast here. In other places these horses in your paintings act in a bizzare fashion.
Reiki Horse paintings by the Red Pilgrim
People share experiences like confusion, sudden job loss, more wealth going out of the home than coming in, arguments and tussles in the family, people talking bad behind you and many such not so good effects.  Sometimes these horse paintings are removed as last resort for the ill luck.
No hard feelings and with due respect to all artists who love to paint horses, the shapes, numbers and postures of horses in your paintings affects the energy they bring out.
Galloping black horse with happiness Reiki energy

Ponies galloping happily joyful goodluck horse painting

Do check my happy Reiki winged horse paintings for sale only on my website.
A Horse Painting does not always bring good luck, if it is not placed properly. The actions painted too will have different effect on your life. And the sector it is hung, example galloping outside from main door will take away wealth health relationships with immense speed away from you. 
1) Horse is angry and in stamping posture and hung facing towards door.
2) Horse are abnormal and incomplete and in unreal colors.
3) Horses are alone in the artwork.  Horse eyes look sad and lonely, look at the eyes of the horse in the painting.
4) Horses are hung in at the end of a passage, dead end areas in home.
5) Horses are hung facing too many doors, so the energy coming from the galloping horses is divided spreading in many directions.
6) Horses are grazing on grass and eating up your wealth if placed in south east. So important is south east, eating food horses look happy but in care they are in north they eat up opportunities and in wealth feng shuii they eat up your wealth making the land barren, isn't it?
Think carefully and analyze the symbolism of galloping horse painting before you add them in your home and office. You can get a personalized analysis, detailed from me, send your horse paintings image and I will explain the hidden symbolism and what effects the art can have on your life. You can get advice for correct placement suggestions too, where to hang the horse painting for maximum benefit,  for a minimal fee. Buying horse paintings go in for simple ones and lay utmost importance on the expressions of the horse rather than the backgrounds as this is more important. Choose happy sun rise and happily galloping horses painting. 
Hope this helps, do share your experiences!
Rizwana's Blog - Razarts 

All the Best from Rizwana!
A Reiki Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 
You Tuber The Red Pilgrim

Read interesting posts on Rizwana's Razarts blog-


How Does a Wealth Symbol Painting work for your benefit Abundance Symbol 8 Magical Effects

How Does a Wealth Symbol Painting work for your benefit and sharing some few Abundance Symbol Effects that you will begin to see after displaying this healing art.
The most beautiful symbol of  a higher level is the Midas Star, that is believed to attract abundance.
One of the strongest fear that every individual has is of wealth and if they will continue to have wealth in their life. This no doubt is important as money can , maybe not buy all things but surely can buy a lot of things.
Abundance Reiki Symbol Painting on Red Wall, Rizwana A.Mundewadi
The spiritual symbol is connected to not just physical wealth as in cash, money, or currency, though it does show changes in welcoming prosperity. Wealth is just one aspect that you see changes, gradual but powerful ones. Sharing 8 magical effects here, just a few as each one will experience some more magic , all depends upon your intentions and heart, and as you love the symbol, the symbol loves you back manifolds!
1) Changes may be miraculous as an unexpected promotion, may also be drastic as some people may even change their jobs for better, and it can bring in wealth from different sources, unexpected sources.
2)  Family members find new ways that bring increased wealth, they receive guidance from people, again known as well as unexpected sources also.
3) It literally shows abundance in all aspects of life, one important one is health. Attracting good health, people accept their health, limitations and are guided to find new ways to improve health.
4) Relationships are magically healed, right form close ones to friends and others.
5) Self realization, comes with new insights, what is good for you and your family.
6) The symbols gives direction and focus to your life.
7) The symbol also heals the heart of its issues. Past and present ones.
8) A combination of specific symbols can work wonders if hung in proper location and wall space.
(The painting here is my original hand painted abstract Reiki healing art, 10x12 Inches in size on canvas board and costs $250, if you love this please visit my website
For the Love of Symbolism!
All the Best from Rizwana!


Two Paintings of Water Near Entrance on either side symbolism and Feng Shui

Water paintings near entrances are so soothing , large water falls, fishes and tanks, pools of blue and vast seascapes of turquoise waters. Most people love to hang large sized original water paintings in the living room. And it so happens that after reading some posts on feng shui, that water is wealth, near the entrances it will attract good luck and wealth.
"My Golden Ship Of Prosperity" Rizwana A.Mundewadi
What can go wrong with hanging water paintings near entrances-
1) Large sized water falls in paintings, even worlds largest water falls, Niagra falls,  can wash away your wealth, health and peace of mind. It gives a feeling to the viewer of drowning in the waters.
2) Dirty water puddles, in paintings or swimming pools with water in paintings indicate restricted wealth.
3) Very small stream of flowing water in paintings indicate less incoming wealth, sometimes just making both ends meet financially and no progress.
4) Dark night and water paintings with dark black backgrounds and night indicate , back door success, and yin energy.
5) Two paintings of water flowing  on both sides of entrances indicate tears and leads to imbalance in energy coming in. So even if it is your wealth sector it also affects relationships especially marital,  adversely.
"Happy Spaces" Oil on canvas Painting by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Check and use your feng shui cures judiciously , hoping this helps!
All the Best from Rizwana!  


Painting on Your Wall Just Killed Your Creativity! mind confused, no creative progress in work? Important effects of Wall Art

Your Painting on Wall Just Killed Your Creativity!
Does this happen or can this happen? Yes!
Symbolism in Depressive Emotional Paintings have been thought of in analyzing paintings especially Van Gogh and his self portrait of bandaged ear and The Scream by Edvard Munch 1893 are still one of the rarest and most emotional out burst and artist can get. If someone views it for a period of many days you surely will go mad and even may be on verge of madness or commit suicide!
Negative emotions, disturbed emotions, depressive expressions are a way artists may represent their inner feelings pouring them on the canvas. While the most sought after paintings and world famous artworks are those that bring out an emotional response from the viewer and are so real that they can give shivers to your spine, following the symbolism and analyzing the effects these artworks have on our psyche and brain are not so very good.
Mehfil! a musical instruments fantasy symbolic painting. 

No doubt, I agree,  art is a freedom of expression and these have thus found a prominent place in art history and enjoy the status of master pieces in top Art Galleries of the world, they are what we term best paintings hanging in art galleries and not for your living rooms or home spaces!
Your wall painting can just kill your emotions, creativity and life energy if it is depressive and with dull colors and negative symbols.
The feng shui creativity corner falls west and if you display a muddy dirty colored confusing abstract artwork here it will definitely mar your creative energies, make you confused, you will lose your ability to think clearly and often tend to make wrong decisions that will affect your career, job, wealth, relationships, and whole life.
Attract Money Now! Small size Reiki symbol Sigil abstract healing artwork 

If your wall art has negative emotions, like crying, weeping, lost, loneliness, death then surely these things will gradually start taking prominent place in your life and you will not even realize when your life will turn into one like the wall painting! I have written a fiction, Do read it for free on Amazon Kindle! The Fire on my wall!
If you find your mind confused, thoughts not clear and not much creative progress in your work, just check your feng shui creativity corner! Activate it with simple feng shui cures and see the results! 
Experience live flow in this YouTube Channel The Red Pilgrim video-  Reiki energy healing arts meditation for creative professionals.
A good energy feng shuii art will uplift and heal your past present and future, Reiki Blessings! 
Try it, share your thoughts!
Surround yourself with symbols of abundance, great health,  happiness, wealth and Success!
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Peace of Mind and Feng Shui Tips
Love Peace Harmony
Dull Phase in Your Life- Check Feng Shui


Clouds Rain and Water Symbolism in Paintings Where to hang rain and water subject paintings

Clouds are great sources of potential hidden energy and wealth. They are symbol of hope and good luck. With the beginning of Monsoons June 2015 with a BANG!Awesum greenery great blooms from my little space under the sun, this year was privileged to see the rainbow twice!Such wonders are so beautiful and bring us so close to the universe, its breathtakingly beautiful!
So to keep these feelings people buy  rain paintings, clouds and monsoon paintings. The inspiration for this post began with the thundering of clouds and the beauty of the rainbow.
Clouds are great, They have stored energy that bursts into the most precious life energy, water, that is life and wealth in feng shui.
From my little space under the sun, the Early sunrise Rizwana A
Saw the Rainbow twice this beginning of Monsoons, Awesum Luck

Welcoming Rains Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Water in feng shui is wealth.
rain is wealth and money in feng shui.
Clouds symbolize the beginning of something great, attracting luck.
Which images are harmful to be displayed in paintings-
1) Dark dull muddy clouds that project like angry forms within.
2) Lightening is most terrible to  display in any form and in any space.
3) Rains are great for north and wealth sectors but not for fame sector as it washes away your name and attracts ill luck and bad name in your field.
4) Stormy angry seas are a no no, never display them, if it is in relationship sector it will break relationships in a really bad manner.
5) If possible choose pink, yellow, orange, reds, great colors in sky when selecting sky cloud paintings. Avoid black and too many grays they dull the energy in your space.
6) Water is good as wealth, but dirty muddied water flowing in your painting is not good and reflect disillusionment and wrong opinions/notions.
7) If possible choose a landscape painting that also has earth energy along with heaven luck.That is having green growth at base and with clouds and rain above.
Do share your paintings, symbolism behind each, and understand them better.and how well you can benefit from displaying them in best places for maximum feng shui benefits.
"The Golden Rain" symbolic Wealth feng shui painting by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

All the Best from Rizwana!


Sitting with sharp pointed sculpture facing towards you symbolism and feng shui

Sitting with sharp pointed sculpture facing towards you has very strong symbolism and feng shui energy coming out of this is so over powering that it may make the person affected sick, irritable, restless and also alone!
Sharp pointed corners in artworks, sculptures, painting frames or even the corner tables that have pointed corners can send out shar, poison arrows towards you. Geometric shapes, pots and other artefacts with sharp pointed edges and corners can affect the mind of the viewer if they sit facing it for many hours.
Sculptures having abnormal shapes with pointed edges and arrow like images that come straight towards the viewer are considered bad in feng shui as they send a directed energy towards the viewer. The artefacts can be of torso, flowers or untitled geometric , but if they have pointed corners and edges it is better  to dissolve this negative energy by placing some thing curved or a green plant, or heavy furniture in between the viewer and the object. Most of the harm can be done when a viewer sits facing directly to the pointed object, as it send outs continuous shar energy, that  poison arrows that keeps hitting the viewer, they will feel an energy drain, lose focus on work and may also lose out on opportunities and wealth. Most of all it will affect their peace of mind and health.
A classic example I have seen is people love to put a horse sculpture in the corner, the one in galloping majestic pose and sit facing directly to it, giving a visual impression of the horse coming towards the viewer.
Then we also see pointed sculptures with sharp edges like swords and have points coming out and peoples it facing towards it. This happens because most sculptures are placed in corners and has opposite seating arrangements. It may affect the viewer's energy even if they sit for some time facing this.Then also sitting directly under the pointed objects is also harmful and emits shar energy.
If you cannot totally  avoid sharp corners and pointed objects see that they are placed in low traffic areas and have other curved objects to smooth en out the poison arrows.Another example to explain it better, with sports sculpture that emits strong energy to the viewer sitting facing it or under it, being continuously hit by poison arrows from the artefact.
Sculpture and feng shui energy
Simply allowing some simple cures and understanding symbolism and energy behind your surroundings and  artworks sculptures you can invite great luck peace and happiness in your lives.
Do you have a sharp pointed edges sculpture, or painting with sharp objects , how do you feel sitting under or sitting facing this? Do share your experiences with pointed energy poison arrows,
 God Bless from Rizwana!


Mountains and Mount Everest Paintings symbolism Choosing The Right Mountain Landscape Paintings

Mountains in paintings have been a favorite topic among artist since ancient times. Mountains always symbolize majestic energy, motivational and reaching the top kind of image.Its important to choose the right type of mountain images in your landscape paintings. Some important aspects that we usually miss out are the shape of peaks, the number of peaks, the color of mountains and the over all landscape energy and colors.
Hidden Treasures Original Oil Painting Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Here are a few that I would like to guide you to understand thee  symbolism in mountain images,  while you choose a mountain landscape painting for attracting good luck and prosperity.
1) Pointed sharp peaks and many peaks symbolize  many hurdles and up down in life career and relationships.
2) dark snow covered mountains are considered inauspicious as to representing a quiet time in your life and energy.
3) Too many barren mountains represent only hardships and less fruits in your work, that is money.
4) Two peaks of same size without very sharp points are good for relationships areas as they hold the energy of love within.
5) Pointed sharp edges in mountains especially pointing towards the viewer are very strong negative shar energy and create poison arrows as in feng shui.
6) Mountains like Everest are motivational and inspirational for office spaces and career growth.
7) Many hills, small crevices and cracks in mountainous landscapes in your paintings  are not very good feng shui. They represent leaking energy.
8) Displaying too many mountain paintings at home may attract too many hurdles and difficult times in your life.
9) Mountain paintings are best in east and south east sector of your home.
Hope this helps, do share your  landscape paintings , understand their symbolism and use these landscape mountain paintings for feng shui benefit for attracting good fortune and luck.
All the Best from Rizwana!


How to Find the Right Soul Mate Why You are not finding your soul mate Matrimony and Healing Art

Matrimonial sites and marriage websites and finding the right partner for marriage, are so many still we find people struggling to find the right soul mate. Marriage is such a beautiful relationship, the most wonderful one to experience that brings joy happiness and  family energy into your life, is still not so easy for some and sad that they are left to lead life with loneliness. How ever hard they try and wherever they search for they are unable to find the right perfect soul mate where they can tie the knot.
Love Waves Original painting in acrylic on canvas by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
When people apply to various matrimonial sites and also contact marriage bureau, agents and relatives for finding a good prospect, some times things just don’t work out and one seems to wonder whether there is more to it. People begin to blame luck, sometimes ‘their stars’ ‘rashi’ ‘kundli’and then finding various reasons for not finding the right soul mate feel it is justified to lead a single loneliness full life.
Ever wondered with simple symbolism why you are not finding the right soul mate or partner suitable for matrimony? Look around , nature has symbols, the universe always wishes good for you and guides you, it is we who never listen.
1) The most important reason I have seen for not finding the right soul mate is too many expectations, yes trying o find an unrealistic partner, with too many perfect qualities, is a sure shot for failure to find anyone suitable for marriage.
2) Too many people advice in between thus no proposal is approved.
3) You may be searching in the wrong places. Appropriate websites or agents who have your type, educational and job level proposals can help you better. Looking for right proposals in the wrong lot will only end in seeing a lot of proposals but not finding any one suitable.
4) First do a background check of the matrimonial sites and if any of your close ones have registered and found a right mate. Most sites have just sprung up with a few proposals and heavy advertising and do not guide you.
5) It is always better to see only a few selected ones that seem good, otherwise most failures are due to seeing a lot of proposals and then finding fault with every person, just leads to ending up being alone!
Now for some symbolism round as to why you are not finding your true soul mate-
1) Look around, your home, your living room and the space you live in. Does it speak loudly that this space belongs to a single person. One table near the bed, one vase, one chair and all things in one, especially if this type of energy is in bedroom, then you unconsciously send a message to the universe that you are comfortable with being alone.
2) Check the feng shui relationship sector. It may be cluttered or totally missing.
3) If the helpful friends and relationships sector is missing you need to fill this with feng shui cures or symbols to attract positive energy.
4) How are your actions, do you really wish to find a partner? People keep searching for marriage partners and then love their singlehood. They are so comfortable in their space that they themselves doubt whether another person will fit into this life with them.
5) Learning about your lucky numbers and birthdates is ok and sometimes helpful too, but not very essential, if you have strong symbols for happiness then you attract this type of energy in your life.
6) Look out of your home, there may be symbols of blocking energy or loneliness. In form of a large pillar in front of main door, huge tree blocking the door, or maybe a place with not such good vibes.
7) Did you activate the marriage sector? As in feng shui simple cures can help to attract marital success and great relationships.
8) Usually most people who are unable to find the right soul mate have clutter and blockages in energy of the bedroom. This needs to be purified and cleansed and then put up with feng shui cures to attract the beautiful energy of soul mate here.
It is just a simple change of objects and symbols put up with the right intentions here that you can easily attract marital success and happy relationships in your married life. Healing symbols put up near your bed space can be beneficial to attract good marriage proposals and also help you to find the right soul mate. It is all linked together, and not just one feng shui sector that will show you results. Like the female energy sector is south west  being the relationship sector, also links to family, elders,and relationship sector east and north east for self goals. Then there is also Reiki energy that can help by putting up symbols that attract good energy. The symbols/ healing art help to give the desired push in the right directions for you to find your right soul mate, it is actually like  a friend along side guiding you to take the right actions. And after marriage help to keep love and happiness between the married couple.

Pink Pots of Happiness  on Pink Wall Paper Oil on Oil Sketch Paper by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

(This post is in reply to the many queries regarding finding the right soul mate and unsuccessful marriage proposal visits. If you have any queries do comment here or share on my website email, I will be more than happy to help you out!)
Hope this helps! All the Best from Rizwana!


Healing Relationship with your mother on this mothers day with unique special gift

Mothers day gifts,each one searching for something unique to bring that smile on your mothers face. Mothers have taken care of us and when they grow old, with age comes childishness, disillusionment and maybe temper tantrums. If your mother is old, they have seen most of the best things in life, so it becomes really difficult to bring that smile on her face! Every year we search and search but end up with the same gifts some how, making this as a ritual and she really wishes you don't spend any more on her with the same things.
As many working couples are so busy with their hectic schedules this day comes as a reminder to take some time out for your parents. No doubt the best gift at an old age is to spend some quality time with her and making this a memorable day with memories to carry on for the year. Gifting her a unique special healing artwork will definitely bring a smile on her face as it will be made specially for her.
With times she may not be able to go along and some times even thought we want to,  we find it difficult to communicate and express how much we love her. Gifts on mothers day are a small way to heal this relationship and if you choose a memorable heart touching one that sure goes a long way to heal the relationships with your mother.
In feng shui the sector for relationships and elders falls in the east. If you have a strained relationship with your parents and elders at home you must activate this sector and heal the relationships. This not only brings happiness and peace but also heals your karma.
Healing relationships while you can is easier when your parents are alive, and helps either sides, even your mother will feel at peace and be able to express the love that , maybe she has forgotten with age and her health problems.
Small Sized Framed Healing Paintings as Mothers Day Unique Gifts
Why is it necessary to heal these relationships? because they are in some or other way linked to your life, your progress and your happiness and peace of mind. Some times past life karmic issues get carried over in the next life if not healed and those relationships come with new life and experiences to heal the past. Trying harder to communicate my not be of help if these blocks of energy are not unblocked. Healing symbols and universal energy can help to heal relationships and make way for new positive energy.
How will you know the effects? gradually your irritable, cranky sometimes/most of the times angry mother may become friendly, loving caring and be able to communicate her needs in a better manner. She will be seen at peace and acceptance with herself as well as others. Talking to her will no longer be a stressful act for you and this will indicate that the relationship has begun to heal.  And of course with the healed relationship, you will wait eagerly for the next Mothers day, I bet!
For customized unique abstract soothing colors healing art Mothers day gifts, contact me so I can help here!
All the Best from Rizwana!


Some One Copied The Red Pilgrim's original Painting and Posted Online Copyright issues with paintings online/The Red Pilgrim's advice

Original paintings uploaded online for viewers, sad that people copy this and expect their lives to change. Such short cuts may lead to a few sales but will not go far. Karma is one thing which catches up sooner than expected.
S.J, cant even call her an artist,  has copied exactly same and uploaded my original painting in her absolute portfolio as her own. What more the copied artwork is on canvas and even copied the whole descriptions, my words! 

angry outburst in this post, I rarely do but ...
People while choosing healing artists and healing art please check out on the back ground of the artists well and then put your hard earned money in their art. I can show you definite changes in three months or my art back!
I have sent an email and also complained to the online art gallery, lets hope the painting is removed soon and some action taken for the artist! 
The Lucky Pot by Rizwana A.Mundewadi/The Red Pilgrim
This is the original painting that has been copied!

view the painting above is sold and hangs happily in a Mumbai art buyers home.
Buy Best original Reiki Vase and Pot paintingsPrecious Healing Pot Paintings
It is today very easy to down load paintings, images and tamper them. Make them their own. Change some tit bits here and there. But always remember the karmic way for such people is too short and karma does catch up real soon, very sooner than expected!
Becoming healing artist was not my choice, and believe me I have paid a price and always do while healing others. Its not easy!
No I am not complaining, but its just than feels real sad when people insult my art, by copying it, and that too wrongly. And hope to make a career out of this copied art. 
Still this issue has not been handled properly. As artists make art, original art, really difficult to paint years and years spending so much efforts, time, money, and resources. Even art insurance has not been taken top priority today as many paintings are damaged during transport,exhibitions in different countries,and of course sad but also due to natural disasters like floods and rains. 
Then some artists also complain about galleries not taking care of their paintings after the exhibition is over. 
Some artists find their art lying in open spaces, it can also get robbed or stolen or damaged by any one.
Copy right issues do come up, but still the grey market continues, with people selling copied art!  but I don't have to do anything,  karma takes care of everything!
With support from social media followers and the Online art gallery the artwork was taken down but we hardly take more action, we let it go. It is almost impossible now to protect anyone from copying our paintings as they are posted on website, blogs and many online art galleries. everyone is now taking efforts to prevent art theft and have disabled the right click. How to prevent art theft art copyrights issues video.
The Red Pilgrims' Advice for all artists- Artists do struggle with creativity issues and then are tempted to view online in google search and then impulsively jump to a artwork and think they copy it and then post as original.  Artists - Activate your creative energy by this short Reiki healing arts meditation.
You are free to study, observe artists works but you are not allowed to copy. Develop your own style and even though you get inspired by an artists and follow they style you always must make original paintings. Find your own voice, if you need any guidance, I am here!
My Art Sold Artworks in Happy Homes
 All the Best from Rizwana!Your's The Red Pilgrim!
Please do like,and share! More about symbolism and symbols in art For buying exclusive original Soul Perk^Up healing art do visit my website The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Art!


Life Size Horse Sculptures and Their energy symbolism Choosing large sized horse sculpture 9 tips

Horses in any form, art, paintings sculptures,  are a great way to welcome strong energy and boost your career. When placed in the right feng shui element sector horses can work wonders to your career graphs and wealth.
Happy galloping Horses painting Reiki horse paintings for sale by The Red Pilgrim

Life sized sculptures are in vogue and many large homes and business corporate towers love to install this strong energy of horse at their entrances. These larger than life size horse sculptures ad statues of horses  not only have strong over powering energy but also act as protectors from negative energies.
Horses in any form, art, horse paintings, or horse sculptures  always symbolize energy and when placed in north attract great career luck.
Its important to keep in mind certain feng shui healing principles when buying larger than life sized horse sculptures-
1) Larger than life sized horses have strong presence, keep them in places with care. Symbols to welcome good luck outside entrances. Angry emotions in horse sculptures must be avoided as also fighting positions.
2) Avoid keeping larger sized horse sculptures in bedroom and dining rooms. The feng shui energy in these rooms is yin and they will clash with the yang energy of horses.
3) Choosing larger than life sized horse sculptures , less is more. Do not choose nine horses or more as they will bring strong force,  energy that may completely  over power your strength to focus.
4) For a single large sized horse sculpture north and north west is great.
5) Metal large sized horse sculptures can be placed in your feng shui prosperity corner. Winged horses are good for inviting heaven luck.
6) Never sit below the large sized horse sculpture legs, it brings a crushing energy.
7) In corporate and business plazas larger than life sized horse sculptures are best at entrances and north west. Larger than life sized horse sculptures are great for large towers and big areas and corporate business plazas, as they symbolize career luck
8) The energy of horses symbolically  coming in and not going out of the place where they are put.
9) Life sized and larger than life sized horse sculptures are not for everyone. For the weak hearted people , sensitive and emotional  people, even the smaller versions bring in the same symbolism and good luck energy.
More on Rizwana's Razarts Blog-
Horse paintings symbolism
horse paintings not working for you?
Grazing horse painting feng shuii analysis symbolism
All the Best from Rizwana!
Rizwana's Razarts Blog

A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 
You Tuber The Red Pilgrim


How to Add Earth Energy in your Home with Modern Contemporary Furniture Decor How to use Brick Wall in Modern Decor

How to Add Earth Energy in your Home with Modern Contemporary Furniture  Decor has become an important issue today with people living in high rises , towers and far away from the grounding earth energy.
Earthy Reiki Enso artwork for radiations and environmental protection

Brick Wall with Reiki paintings displayed "Tower of Fame" and "Respect"
While we enjoy the cool breeze and awesum sky in high rise buildings, inviting heaven energy it is gradually coming notice that earth energy is getting depleted.
Right from people cutting trees and making homes to removing the mangroves and the green covers thus creating an imbalance in our environment.
Earth energy is very important to feel focussed, healthy and more productive. It is a direct result in bringing in healthy relationships and positive chi around.
With the modern decor and trends moving from eco friendly wood, there is hardly any earth energy available in our space today. People hardly realize that it is very easy to invite and balance energy in any space with a little judicious selection of decor elements.
1) Have nature in side. Plant some plants yes these bring in awesum earth energy and feng shui luck. Except in bedroom.
This was my terrace garden few years back today it is fully loaded
2) Choose colors of earth, beige, browns, yellows and ochre that have the colors, energy of earth in your wall and decor.
3) Have a mix of modern and traditional furniture. This way you can add up antique lovely wood pieces of furniture/ earth energy,  with your modern contemporary decor.
4) Choose flooring of earthy tones, tiles carpets and rugs or throw rugs can be in colors representing of earth energy.
5) Add up the focal point walls with bricks, Bricks have awesum earth energy. baked and made naturally bricks have amazing stored fire and earth energy. Add paintings and artworks with base of brick walls to increase their healing energies.
Gateway to the soul Mai Yur ma

How to use bricks in modern decor-
Bricks when we hear, people shy away but these are great earth energy stores and inviting earth luck.
Stones and bricks have earthy tones from browns to rust shades depending upon the heat processes they have gone through and are very soothing to the body and soul.
Marsala magic three nature inspired reiki paintings for health wellness family blessings

Bricks come in plenty of colors and shades and natural bricks are also colored to make them more vibrant sturdy and go along with your modern decor. They are made tough and durable with extra treatments today to have long shelf life. Colored and hand painted bricks can become creative canvasses to display your precious costly artworks and paintings.
You can use bricks in your decor in so many ways thus inviting feng shui earth luck and healing energies.

1) walls of bricks., one wall or all walls of a room.
2) Seating arrangements , settees, stools or square cubes of cement and bricks.
3) Kitchen platforms counter base for dining , can be made of bricks to add up to your good health feng shui. 
Reiki Enso artwork in earthy decor room

Tree of Enlightenment Buddha Tree painting 

4) Gardens can be lined up with bricks and brick gravel to get the best feng shui earth energy.
5) Bricks can add up in offices as well as conference rooms as counter for tables blending with modern decor. Try this, all creative juices will start flowing!
Read more on Rizwana's Razarts Blog-
Why is Home Feng Shui Most Important for Progress
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best! Stay Safe!
 A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art 
Terra Firma a special Reiki healing artwork by the Red Pilgrim for Earth energy. 
Dedicated towards spreading joy, health,wealth and success with my Reiki Paintings!


Art Dark Blue Walls Focal Wall Art Which color paintings for Dark blue walls

Joy of Simplicity and Pot of Harmony on Blue Wall
Art Dark Blue Walls Focal Wall Art Which color paintings for Dark blue walls? Modern home decor and interiors have lots of color and usually in modern homes we hardly see all white or all off white walls that are now completely restricted to art galleries!
Body is the Temple  one of my old symbolic painting  on linen

Untitled Healing  Blue Art on Blue Wall

Terrific Symphony of My Life, colorful feng shui painting

"Pot of prosperity" and "Untitled' Reiki healing art
Even when walls are of pastel shades mostly one wall is chosen as a focal point in any room decor. It can be decorated with textures, designs, wall paper or even real gold glitter! as per your budget and your fantasies!
While people love to go bold for this one central focal wall art too has a part of this wall. Art has to either create interest or blend with the focal wall.
Suggestions for dark blue a awesum color that goes very well with most colors as it proves in next to black for its beauty and grace!
All paintings displayed here are my original paintings. Please do not copy!
Thank you! 

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