How to make collages with paintings was on my mind since many years, my very small artworks, precious babies, geometric and sacred geometry, cubism artworks, needed to be made larger. I needed a platform for these beautiful small works to be assembled and what better media than collaging the small pieces together.
I have learned many lessons on the way with only one collage to my credit and now know how difficult it is to make, hats off to all collagists, especially my best friend Vijaya, I don't know how she makes wonderful pieces!
Method for collage making-
Assemble all the required materials and pieces of art at hand. I had to spend much time, much more than expected to assemble which small paintings went well together, or maybe had some connection.Most time consuming but worth the effort.Not one session but involved many sessions, months to assemble pieces.
Keeping all the materials together like glue, a stick was considered best, since when I tried pasting glue with fingers the whole painting just falls in love with my finger itself, comes out with my finger!
Rags and rough cloth is very important and water to clean hands so that the parts remain on the base selected and not come off.
Select a from base, my oil sketch paper was a thin base and the collage of paintings has not come out too good as I expected.Maybe next time I will select a firm base, cardboard, wooden board or hard board.
Always allow the collage to dry out, give it time, more time and more time, yes it takes time to dry thoroughly with the think glue and if you are making collage with small pieces the more important this would be to give it time to dry out well to keep the pieces glued.
Not the tricky part, framing this collage of painting, any frame will not do, a good quality sturdy frame that would be able to bear the weight of the collage and not bend out with the weight of the artwork is required.
Maintaining the collages of
paintings would also require attention and care as keeping them stacked like paintings would do more harm than good and there is also risk due to high moisture levels, of them getting too friendly and sticking to others, collages!
Here in the above posted collage of small paintings I have selected three small paintings for making a collage done in the year 2006.
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Sacred Geometry Abstract by Rizwana Mundewadi |
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Small geometric Artwork by rizwana m |
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Colorful small symbolic geometric painting by rizwana |
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Abstract geometry painting by Rizwana M |
sacred geometry and cubism style artworks which I have done in "n" numbers ..this first effort has not come out too good, am not satisfied, so the remaining paintings are saved!
Maybe some great tips would follow from
Vijaya, as she is a great collagist!collecting , assembling and bringing beauty into lifeless forms of bits!
I wish to make simple colorful understandable art, art that heals