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Landscape Symbolic Paintings by Healing Artist

My earlier artworks bring a smile on my face. I have done few, very few landscape paintings on paper and these works later transformed into symbolic landscapes. I have dabbled in this genre of art and have skipped making more landscapes as lines and symbols calling was more strong. Every artist has to travel the journey of self healing and realisation and only after ten, twenty or thirty years do they get into the mode of true painting. their original style emerges by trying and struggling in their early years with paint, water colours , oils and other mediums. I have painted few landscapes and the sea fascinated me in my early years.
Beautiful Sea Landscape by Rizwana Mundewadi

Fisher women - LandscapePainting
Serene Landscape Sea Shore Painting
Composition in Landscape 

Symbolic Landscape painting
Symbolic Painting by Healing Artist
Romantic Abstract Landscape Painting

Doing geometric abstracts and symbolic paintings has emerged into my unique style of painting and I do swear by my symbols.  Reiki energy and feng shui energy has opened new doors of spirituality to me and which I want to transfer to the world and the universe. the universe has everything in plenty and we just have to tap this potential. Happiness, wealth, good health and prosperity are open to all, we have all gone far away from our true nature and this is creating problems in our lives.
Abstract Spiritual Geometry Painting

Utopia Painting by Rizwana Mundewadi
I love landscapes as they give you a very unique and pleasant experience.

Spiritual Precious Old Cubism Abstract Paintings by Healing Artist Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Pink Sun old Spiritual cubism Abstract Painting available for sale assembled collage by Rizwana
Spiritual cubism, Spiritual geometry and spiritual abstracts have become my second nature. Since years the struggle to understand my art and this journey is going on in understanding shapes and finally I have got the ultimate link with spiritual geometry. healing paintings using symbols as an Reiki healer, Reiki Master,  have given power and meaning to my lines, my shapes and my symbols. Sayed Haider Ali Raza the famous spiritual cubism artist, kandinski world famous spiritual cubism artist seem to have lines shapes and each dot, each line, each curve ahs its hidden meaning and symbolism. 
I have been obsessively painting small sized cubism abstracts thousands, I have torn many, burnt them and few I have assembled as untitled collages naming the collection as "A few years of my life". 

Opening of the third eye cubism small artwork
calmning stillness 

calmning stillness

untitled sacred geometry

filled pots cubism art by Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Cracked pots cubism painting by rizwana a
Being close to nature cubism oil painting on canvas

the red pot cubism abstract by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

Cubism Geometric Paintings  by healing Artist Rizwana A.M

My spiritual geometry paintings are an important part of my progress as an artist an individual and an healer. my healing  art history and will be special for me and my art lovers and art buyers.
Colourful geometric shapes having powerful meanings and symbolism were a very important part of all my paintings during my early years in art. Influence from artists like Wassily Kandinsky world famous Spiritual geometry painter, Sayed Haidar Ali Raza Indian World acclaimed Sacred Geometry artist,  have given new meanings to my art. Finding spiritual meanings from my shapes especially the circle which is one of my favorite shapes and then follows the square.
In feng shui shapes are connected to different elements and now I have learned all this in the year 2010 and 2011. A triangle represents the element of fire, earth element is symbolized by square shape, water the flowy lines, metal is shown by drawing a circle and wood is represented by rectangle shape.
What are feng shuii paintings? and how will you apply feng shuii through art? read in this post.
Feng shui paintings have become a very important part of my paintings now and I plan to have many paintings as cures for problems using feng shui principles and my symbols. Specific intentions put up with special symbols my healing paintings bring about life energy shift and transformations for a healthy successful life. 
cubism collage reiki artwork for wellness and luck displayed here

Geometry has common shapes of square, circle, rectangle and triangle. Circle represents whole in term of the world, the universe or just as an individual who is complete in balance with nature. The zen circle is a free circle made with a single stroke which now I am practicing as zen paintings are very very difficult to paint. My square is total and as there are four corners it represents a complete form. My squares have evolved into the symbol of octad that is two overlapping circles which is one of my favorites as the octad represents totality and harmony in any environmental. The squares and circles have become an important part of my healing and feng shui paintings. 
Perfection in Ocatd spiritual geometry painting

Reiki Abundance symbol artwork displayed here
During the early years of my painting I have also dabbled with cubism and this has had a great influence on my art. the cubism movement was a great era and Pablo Picasso the father of cubism has created so many famous artworks.
Spiritual elegance  my cubism artwork displayed here

I did get some good comments on my cubism works and was even encouraged to dabble more in this genre of art. Most respected and I am sure I will be remembered as a spiritual cubism artist over the years to come! 
cubism collage artwork the Red Pilgrim
Maybe this can wait and will emerge in my later years in journey with art. I really have this dream of painting a very big size paintings in this art style of cubism, squares, shapes.
making cubism art collages for joy and success
 Making these healing artworks gives me happiness and the fact that I have been selected by the universe to spread the healing is great. Cubism is a movement that has breaking all rules and bending reality with my sacred shapes as I continue to make art...
Have A Great Day from Rizwana!
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Very small spaces choose art carefully

Spiritual Abstract - Symphony in Music painting by Rizwana Mundewadi

Symphony in Music -Spiritual abstract painting
One of my line series paintings the lines that begin with a dot and keep extending , I try to give meanings to my dots and lines. The year 2002 saw line paintings and it was such a journey creating these artworks that it still give me immense pleasure on remembering them. The lines and colours would flow easily and the result was spectacular. Forms, shapes and colors all merge to bring out a beautiful artwork and only when I stop do I notice what has come up on my paper.
The two most famous artists that have influenced my artworks since beginning are Kandinsky and Raza. there is instant similarity and also a uniqueness in my art which is an important part of being an healing artist.
In my early painting years I would never think about what I would paint and even till now many things haven't changed. I let my art speak for itself instead of finding meaning I let viewers find the hidden meanings. It feels great to hear the comments when one individual finds a bird or someone brushes upon an angel in my painting. Healing art is just for that reason , to heal the viewer and am very excited to bring this healing art to the world. I am very lucky to have been selected by the universe to fulfill this desire of earth and heaven to create peace and harmony and will try my best to be true to my art.
Healing art is one of the most neglected genres of painting and many people are becoming aware that art can heal. My healing paintings have symbols and usually the lines that were seen in my older artworks have got new and powerful meanings now. the lines are not haphazard and they have a specific direction and aim. Symbols are very powerful lines used in my paintings and I have seen very impressive results from my healing paintings.
The image of harmony in music was done in the year 2002 and is one of the paintings from the series of line paintings.This colourful artwork is done on oil sketch paper one of my favorite mediums for painting which I still love. Doing painting on oil sketch paper gives me the desired freedom to paint anyhow and I know when I am carefree this shows in my art!

About Kandinsky- Inspired Wassily Kandinski spiritual cubism art The Wheel of Karma Painting

Kandinsky entered my life as a surprise with a book from an exhibition by Taschen, I hardly knew any famous artists as there was not much Google with me then. Reading about him and his world famous spiritual paintings in the book it all connected so well to my cubism art. Trust me, each dot, every person ,every object is connected!  sharing about Kandinsky. Google search will give so much about this wonderful interesting world famous artist Kandinsky. The presence till date is felt in his artworks, as those who view mention. He moves around every piece of his paintings and what a beautiful way... artists may die... but art lives forver!
Kandinsky book by Taschen

Kandinsky book by Taschen

Life of Kandinsky book

Kandinsky paintings information

History life of Kandinsky book


world famous Kandinsky paintings

Costly Precious Wassily Kandinsky paintings
 Wassily Kandinsky lived 1866 to 1944 and mad great spiritual art. Kandinsky compositions and themes were very inspiring and even today many artist try to find similarities in their work with Kandinsky. The passion dedication was immense with previous generation painters. Today a lot of commercialization has come up.  I still paint alone with less social contact. 
Wheel of Karma displayed framed 

Wheel of Karma large canvas painting Rizwana A

spiritual cubism art by Rizwana A Mundewadi

blue infinity symbol art

exalted circles reiki paintings

sacred geometry abundance art

cubism art collages

Untitled Grey blue by Rizwana A

Untitled grey by Rizwana A

The Yellow Boat rizwana a mundewadi
spiritual lines by rizwana

sacred lines 

spiritual lines art



old abstract art rizwana

abstract year 2002

abstract red blue year 2002

abstract art year 2002

 Like kandinsky lived in seclusion and worked alone I think I have the tendency to paint when I am alone. the serene and quietness is very very essential for my spiritual works and when I am disturbed the art gets muddy and trying to hard it does not end in a painting but looks to something similar to an dirty blob. In search of creating new forms and expression in paintings Kandinsky was also an excellent writer. His life has had a great influence on his artworks. 'The Red Spot II' 1921 and 'Around the Circle' 1940 are very inspiring artworks of Kandinsky.  'Several Circles' 1926 is an excellent painting on spiritual geometry and I love and understand why he loved shapes! There is so much mystery and when I watched a video of Kandinsky art displayed in a gallery it seems he still moves around, it is so true... the artist pours their soul into every art piece and gives a part of themselves to each painting so when you buy a painting.. you take a piece of the artist home!  I am crazy about circles and as a circle represents a whole I am trying to find new meanings of life  from my art. My paintings have evolved from total abstracts to symbolic abstracts and lines are a very important part of all my paintings with a series of line drawings and paintings in the year 2000 and 2001 I have tried to make my lines paintings speak for themselves.
In the year 2000 when I began painting seriously I got this book of kandinsky to learn more about his spiritual abstracts. The painting wheel of karma led me to try and understand why I paint and what is this? Just luckily I got this book from an book exhibition and since I was doing total abstracts then I loved this Kandinsky colourful abstracts. There was the base of spiritualism.
Kandinsky was a spiritual abstract artist and his works are famous around the globe. With the struggles that he faced and in fact all the artists that have left their prints in history I am just not at loss of words how today artists are just bothered about media and selling!

Pink Rose quartz spiritual cubism Summer solstice painting

spiritual collage art Rizwana A

soothing shapes art year 2017

As Kandinsky was also a great writer The influence is just total. He needed the outlet to express himself and his work. here came the painting on evolution series and the other abstracts which linked me to spiritual geometry. 
Something about mandala paintings and spiritual geometry and spiritual abstracts I have gone through the journey of more than a decade painting spiritual paintings and symbolic paintings since year 2000.
Influence from any artist from history is what many artists and critiques mentioned but I didn't realize the meaning and similarity of this. Raza, Sayed Hyder Ali Raza also is world famous for sacred geometry paintings. I wanted to make different ART and was, and am still, against learning art. Painting comes naturally to me and when I think and plan I do not create art, it is just an image without 'me' in it. I always mention born artist and writer because it just flows!
Still after reading about some famous artists around the globe I think Kandinsky is the most where I belong. The art and the artist all are seen in a part of my paintings. The best part is that I paint what I love and then try to find meanings and similarities. My series on spiritual abstracts and spiritual geometry was self healing and led me to a great art, feng shui paintings in the year 2011.
Kandinsky paintings are world famous and are an heirlooms that are giving very good returns and art lovers who have the original paintings of Kandinsky are very lucky today. Hope some of his art creativity brushes upon me and I get the inspiration to be true to my art.
Do you love Kandinsky art? check some of my little downpours expressions with cubism and spiritual symbols art. Painting since year 2000, I wish to make simple colorful understandable art... art that heals!
All the Best from Rizwana!
year 2009 self portrait The Red Pilgrim

a professional symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 making spiritual symbol art to spread Reiki energy for personal power activation, self  empowerment, soul healing, family blessings  and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! spiritual abstract calligraphy paintings for Abundant Life 


Still Life in Red

Still Life in Red by Rizwana Mundewadi
Still life painting has also been an important genre of styles which I have dabbled with. I love painting pots and my painting some how revolve round the themes of pots. I do love the name 'lady with the pots' which is often associated with me and I believe pots are a symbolic representation of storing happiness, wealth and good luck. Trying so very hard to avoid painting pots but they still come up in any form, so might as well accept the label the lady and her pot paintings.
Yes pots symbolise prosperity. They also are a very powerful symbol for fertility and abundance which has inspired me to do many paintings of pots. The cracked pots and the good earth have been some of my favourite artworks.
I enjoyed this painting which was done in the spirit of painting for happiness without any motive or goal. The still life in red has been done using red colour as a strong colour and this is also a very good feng shui tool for inviting fame and recognition if hung in that particular area of your living room or bedroom. You can also enhance your office with this powerful feng shui cure to attract money and good business luck.

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