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Why Spiritual paintings are bought more today?difference between modern spiritual art &religious art


Spiritual paintings are connecting with many people and going deeper to soul healing people are striving to find peace harmony peace in their lives. Inclinations towards choosing spiritual inspiring motivational paintings is on rise. Spirituality is emerging in every individual and people are trying to go in for spiritual art works to have peace and prosperity.

Abundance Reiki large abstract painting displayed in urban decor living room

Just like Exercise and healthy food is good for the body as also spiritual paintings are the food for the soul. Displaying artworks having symbolic interpretations affects our mind positively and we are refreshed by viewing such works.
I am happy with myself! Reiki self acceptance empowerment healing art

people are so obsessed with their technology gadgets that everyone else is becoming secondary. The mind is shutting down from reality to virtual. we have to stop this or at least slow this. Live every moment of your life, be in the moment and enjoy every moment. Spiritual paintings take you to that happy place without leaving your home! Just like Exercise and healthy food is good for the body as also spiritual paintings are the food for the soul. Displaying artworks having symbolic interpretations affects our mind positively and we are refreshed by viewing such works. Daily reminders, positive affirmations, self empowerment artworks are uplifting and energizing.

Tiny Evil Eye Protection artwork for Kitchen Family rooms

Kundalini Awakening Reiki abstract for Abundant life!

Who are spiritual artists? The individual purchasing spiritual artwork may not be very spiritual but the artwork grabs the attention of the viewer and they like it. Spiritual artists are persons who like to make art on spiritual symbolic themes. These artworks may be symbolic or also simple abstracts without any images. Spirituality gives peace and its definition can be different for different individuals. An spiritual artist may go on making artworks using particular colours and also certain symbols. These may not be religious symbols but also things that are symbolic representations of something else. The spiritual artist may not be very religious and also they may not follow any religious symbols. Many are trained in some pathy to heal as psychic healers like reiki masters Physiotherapists, and even medical ,para medical professionals may tend to lean towards making healing paintings if their artistic side is tapped. Art is an expression of the artist and they put their thoughts on the canvas. This makes the symbols work.

Usually ultramarine blue, purple and gold colours are associated with spirituality and spiritual healing art. Also lighter shades of many colours are more soothing but this depends on the artist as I have seen artists carry their art well even with reds and greens. Red colour indicates positive energy and green colour is used to represent prosperity and growth.

It is good to display spiritual paintings to heal the environment. As we do daily exercise these paintings give us daily dose of positive energy. The viewer on purchasing such artworks gets to enjoy the healing daily and over the years as also the value of the artwork keeps increasing. In Feng Shui it is considered auspicious to display symbolic and spiritual paintings to ward off evil energies and bring positive energy in the environment.

It is important to remember that an spiritual painting need not always be a religious symbol painting. Religious symbols and religious figurines are painted, God figures, mantras and spiritual texts pertaining to specific religion or custom are specifically religious paintings. There are Hindu mythology religious paintings, animal paintings, celestial creatures of Japanese culture, Judaism artworks, Egyptian symbol paintings, Islamic calligraphy paintings etc that are chosen by specific religion culture people to cater to their soul longings.

Symbolism is one of the categories of paintings. It has been followed by many artists over the years who come to be known as symbolic artists. Many artists use symbols and different icons to represent their thoughts and emotions. These symbols may be any religious symbols or may be some representative symbols.

Many religions have deities that are painted by symbolic artists and these artworks are also sold on emotional basis as they have the market always. Some people prefer buying other symbols representing some concepts.  Like a ladder symbolizes success and upward progress, a lamp symbolizes hope whereas a lotus symbolizes enlightenment. Birds are representative of freedom and waterfalls in a painting represent financial growth. Green pictures of plants and flowers indicate prosperity.

Understanding symbolic artworks also depends upon each individuals experiences and cultural preferences. Colours also are used differently by symbolic artists to represent different themes. Some countries symbolize white colour for mourning whereas some represent it for purity. Every artist has their own choice of colours and colour meanings.

Before going in for purchase of symbolic art one has to first think about our own experiences and likes and dislikes. Some people are not comfortable with religious symbols hung on their walls and may prefer other representative symbols in spiritual artworks. It is also possible to get a commissioned painting from the symbolic artist according to your tastes by Talking over and meeting the artist personally and understanding the artworks helps in making the right purchase of symbolic artworks. one has to first think about our own experiences and likes and dislikes. This is most important that you feel joyful with being surrounded symbol art. If you had past negative experiences with a place or flowers have broken relationships and this flower images brings sadness to you on viewing every time then you better avoid such images of negative memories. choose instead what brings you joy! Remember what is liked by one may not be what everyone will like and that pertains to flowers also. It is ok not to like everything that others like. You have to be yourself! Kintsugi.. you are more beautiful because of your brokenness! most of my Reiki artworks with intentions are focussed on self acceptance and empowerment reiki.

Spiritual paintings have universal appeal and can be purchased and used by any culture or religion follower. Symbols used are those that are understood easily by everyone and accepted as general good luck symbols all over the world.

 Also the colours used in the spiritual paintings keep emitting rays which in turn give colour healing and this colour therapy leads to increased confidence, motivation and success in life often termed as healing paintings. In this times of stress and chaos art is a respite.  Meditation and yoga help to keep the mind cool and relaxed and healing artworks hung here add up to the focus of health and mental peace. Professionals who are involved in creative work very strongly need to be focussed to give good results. Most of the times our energy is drained and however much you try hard to produce some good work it is not possible. Remember if the mind is going through an emotional turmoil chaos, then it becomes very difficult to focus on work. Art in form of balm to your soul will assist you during these stages of life. Healing paintings bring peace, harmony, stability, and give the desired push in your life for moving ahead. Reiki art is a energy pure form of transferring the intent of the healing artist to the receiver, the art buyer/viewer.

My original symbol spiritual paintings are power packed with harmonious energy symbols and colours to activate all life sector. I strive to find combinations of symbols codes sigils energy colours shapes forms to bring fast results. Remember life is short live it well!

Free Reiki healing arts mediation videos and I also share Ancient symbol writing videos, Reiki Sigil Codes Chinese symbols writing videos,  on You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim.

If you want to achieve success and wealth  You must go minimalistic in lifestyle choose my modern spiritual symbol calligraphy paintings for life energy activation. You will notice each artwork has tons of energy and symbols for specific intent put up that is a pure form of art to attract abundance and family as well as heavenly blessings. Empty clutter and have only that which is important for you, life becomes simple focused and brings so much clarity, you understand your priorities and you really start to work towards your goals fulfillment. Each day becomes a celebration! Life is beautiful..we just have to tap this correctly! Fit your life  puzzle pieces into p-lace by choosing your Reiki symbols and find the missing link connection with Reiki energy art, add some healing art!

Much Love Peace and Light to You!

The Red Pilgrim!!

A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art

You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health, wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!


Did you check what is written on your feng shuii lucky goodluck coins? Do this now!!

 Symbols Inscriptions and texts written on goodluck lucky coins are very important. people buy feng shuii cures of goodluck coins or money swords with coins, feng shuii coins paintings for wealth luck without giving this another thought. This post will give information about what to look for and what to avoid in choosing feng shuii coins paintings. This is one of the most powerful wealth cures, the gold coins, lucky coins. I have noticed the faults and why they may stop working and hence writing this post. 

Be careful of what the coins say! because this will influence you wealth luck! 

Goodluck coins with Dragon and Phoenix

Feng shuii Lucky Cat Coins painting

The goodluck coins coming from ancient China would be genuine and have embossed texts and images if you take the time to notice. I see some calligraphy words texts written in ancient Chinese language, Japanese language, mandarin which now later on has turned into abstract calligraphy. As I see coins used for goodluck every country may have their precious codes and coins. While in general the Chinese goodluck gold coins are universally accepted as money cures we can use any coins for this wealth activation.

Feng shuii gold coins painting in progress The Red Pilgrim
Coins have images also of dragons, celestial phoenix, cats,maneki neko which are auspicious symbols to attract wealth. we also see numbers written in Chinese or Japanese language which we do not understand. 

Japanese numbers
use runic alphabets for wish fulfillment YouTube channel video
Latvian symbols-showing how to write in this video
Ancient African and tribal coins will have traditionally written symbols of wealth, evil spirits protection and prosperity growth. 
African symbols
The problem coming now is with machine made coins and feng shuii cures which are never cross checked for imperfections. The results thus start changing when you use incomplete printed coins, irregular edges coins and sometimes the corners of coins are cut off in machine and yet the products are sold in that way. I had a money sword which suddenly had a coin dropped, which is considered inauspicious for money luck and the problem was the red ribbon was not secure along with the mystic knot. I am step by step reducing the visual clutter and hanging more of wall art for activating feng shuii. 

If you get strange dreams of gold coins what do they mean? read in this informative post on Razarts.

There are half written wealth symbols, broken head dragons and one winged phoenix birds, shockingly on some feng shuii coins. such coins are not good feng shuii. I always make it a point to write the symbols correctly in my gold coins paintings because the energy is very important. Do check your feng shuii goodluck coins immediately for what symbols are written on the coins. If there are unknown symbols do photograph and send me on email for understanding the meanings. Then we also see numbers written on coins in Japanese language. In feng shuii we avoid the number 4 as it is similar to death and also avoid having single coin for luck because money doesn't like to stay alone, it feels sad and will leave you. 

I am also fascinated with African symbols and mystical wiccan symbols. Those coins usually have fertility symbols which is very important. Growth prosperity as in growing shoot, tree, leaf and flowers. the flower symbol in ancient symbols represents abundance. They have four petals with lines drawn which is strong symbol of abundance just like my most favourite Reiki Midas star of abundance, absolutely magical!! check this feng shuii pots small artwork wealth growing.

Ancient symbols of abundance

The coins also are empty sometimes with nothing printed which is a question of debate here in my mind. Does it mean that you put intentions or does it bring confusing money? which currency wealth do you wish to attract? sometimes I feel this also may work because instead of having a different currency goodluck coins we can put intentions but that must be clear. I always mention-be specific in your intentions. you carry Chinese symbol coins and cannot connect to wealth in this form then the whole purpose of feng shuii wealth activation becomes nil. You have to touch your coins regularly with love and spoken wealth affirmations to keep energy alive.

I would also suggest you choose your currency coins as lucky coins. Never keep single coins. I know we don't have holes in our currency coins. We can use a red cloth and tie three, five, seven, nine number of coins and place in purse or wallet as goodluck coins. Place in your prosperity corner(hidden) or in your office table drawer(left side innermost corner of drawer) try this, it works!!!Don't forget to share your joys of magic money with me!!

Much Love Peace and  Abundance to You! All the Best from Rizwana!

Buy Best Feng shuii gold coins paintings from my website Razarts


Powerful Karuna Reiki symbol Mara benefits you did not know! Clean your room! Experience live negativity clearing reiki video

Karuna Reiki is all about heart emotion compassion self acceptance, healing, today sharing a powerful use of the symbol Mara or Rama which you have not known. use it in the correct way this symbol has very strong energy for space clearance, negative energies, evil eye, negative thoughts clearing. Read ahead if you or someone you care for face issues with compulsive negativity or are prone to attract negative energies fast. You tend to fall sick after gatherings, functions, meetings, this symbol is the best for you. I have been striving to find ways to sue symbol energies for benefits adding them to my healing art. They work wonders, I actually don't know whether it is my pure dedication and intentions that the Universe loves,  or the symbol combinations or the symbols that love me so much, but they show immense benefits to viewers and art buyers. You will find me obsessively researching, reading, painting symbols.
Four Mara symbol benefits(buy the art here)
In this YouTube channel The Red Pilgrim video- 4 Mara's Meditation space clearing, negative thoughts clearing, combination of power-packed energy for purification and protection. with more than twenty years experience in using symbols and Reiki energy,
here is this combined energy. play the video on full screen and mute the sound if required. can be used in challenging situations or before meetings, get-together where you fear negative glances and negative energies might enter. also play after the functions to stop the negativity to affect you and your family. 
Also for purification of office space and property. If you obsessively get negative thoughts use this energy on everyday basis for Reiki by your side. The Reiki healing artwork has very powerful ancient symbols, sacred code to sweep negative energy,
it is just like a broom, use it regularly. karuna Reiki symbol Rama-Mara in four corners bringing very strong energy, so whatever you are going through Reiki will assist you to use your negative energy into constructive positive. for obsessive negativity this combination works wonders, try it. 
Advisable to burn some incense as you do this purification ritual. but not necessary always. If possible keep the main door slightly open as you do this ritual to allow all the negative energies to move out and make space for fresh positive energy. 
The symbol Mara or Rama is a Karuna Reiki symbol used for connecting to earth energy. Powerful grounding energy emerges connecting you to a spurt of freshness and life fullness feeling. This woks upon the subconscious patterns too. Zonar used with this is very good for coming out of any personal emotional or physical crises.
You will also notice the symbol brings great help in paralysis patients and bed ridden patients. The symbol Mara is known to work upon lower chakras, the three, root, sexual and solar plexus. I notice that most chakras over lap in energy and we need to be in harmony to experience true joy in life. This is very challenging task to maintain the chakra health as energies are always moving fast, spinning and we tend to get stuck or attach something negative. hence reiki art by your side is very beneficial reminder and personal assistant. 
Write the symbol with positive intentions and do not break lines in between while writing. 
Use a clean paper. Start before dawn with positive intentions. Write four Mara symbols in four corners and fold the paper in triple times. After any arguments quarrels  negative episode burn the paper and add new onw.  Put in any place in your house hidden, preferably near entrance. If you get obsessive negative thoughts put the paper under your pillow.  
For getting customized protection or specific disease healing artwork get in touch through my website
Clean your room-why this title? this is most important and hardly we realize that negative energies accumulate and get stuck up. This is linked to your life energy and progress and negative thoughts. By cleaning room I do not mean what the maid or house help does everyday as a monotonous task. For any energy to flow you need to clear space to welcome this. Most times after functions meetings gatherings we tend to discuss so much of everything except about the energy that might have unknowingly entered our space, mind and life. Cleaning physical dirt and left overs of a party is not sufficient from energy feng shuii point. Also wipe objects furniture and things your guests might have particularly discussed off or touched. 
Protection symbols art 

Blue Reiki flowers of Abundance

You must make it a habit to add salt to water while mopping. burn incense and drive out negativity regularly. Try this and you will see immense benefits in your health wealth, relationships and prosperity. How to use magical salt effectively for purification read here. why is salt cure not working for you.
Thank you so much for connecting with me and my Reiki, hope this helps!
 Do share your experiences with using the live flow of Reiki energy video and if you have tried the Karuna Reiki symbols in different ways in the comments.
 my blessings! 
The Red Pilgrim!
 Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my symbol paintings..


Which size of canvasses are most popular? what is the best size to buy paintings for home? few case studies

Paintings of which size are bought most?  Wall art size, best sizes that people love to buy, and what is the feng shuii behind choosing the right size of wall artworks. Sharing practical information with my more that twenty years of making art as a professional artist experience. There is immense feng shuii symbolism behind the right sizer of paintings for your home and office. It is not just that you fall in love with an image over the internet and you buy the painting right away. the size may be too large or too small for your wall space and it may not bring you the required happiness. hence feng shuii is important to buy the right size of wall art so that you feel the energy of the artwork and enjoy the healing benefits thoroughly. 

These size paintings are preferred by art buyers-

best sizes for hallways 36x75 inches.

Perfect size above your sofa depends upon the available seating space and arrangement you have. the wall above the sofa 32x48 inches. 

In general for a large hall buy 32x52 inches artwork

If you want to make a focal point buy 33x66 inches painting.

For a more dramatic and impressionable effect people do love to buy single large sized paintings that may go from 45-60 to 70-90 inches. 

I usually have painted on smaller size canvasses and papers. Collages are larger and canvasses are also done on larger scale. The largest size I have painted is 2x3 feet. check my Reiki paintings available for sale on my website.Fresh art added daily!

The most common sizes of wall art and paintings or artworks that people buy easily are small to medium sizes. They come cheaper and also new art buyers take the risk with smaller artworks. you get to sell large paintings or get customized orders when the art buyers become art collectors and frequently buy your paintings and are comfortable with your style of painting and fallen in love with most of your pieces. 

Common sizes of small paintings sold best are-

9x12 inches

10.5-11x14-15 inches

12x12 inches-the ideal size

14x16 inches

16x20 inches

19x24 inches

24x24 inches 

25x30 inches

lucky number sizes are also sought after by art buyers. If you are buying art for specific intentions or table art then even tiny art sells faster like 4x5 inches art cards.

These sizes are most popular in art market of buying and selling art.

Feng shuii is very important to understand regarding size of the painting. Too large artwork will take away energy from the room and make it feel over whelming. It can also work opposite and large painting in small room can in fact make the room appear large. Watch my you tube video for choosing water paintings for home and office carefully.

Feng shuii art buying guide videos on You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim

Tiny healing symbol art
This way you can easily increase the size of a spiritual painting by large mount and frame

For the entrance the artwork must be of a comfortable size. the subject is very important. People read feng shuii and buy water paintings or flying birds and galloping horses. remember to buy the comfortable size and only those that you feel attracted and comfortable with. Avoid directions where the birds or animals are flowing away from your home as they take away all the goodluck and make the home barren. 

Flying birds feng shuii modern painting in progress

modern cubism collage for wealth and joy luck displayed as Dining room art

Reiki symbol calligraphy abstract art for harmony

wealth pot of abundance Tibetan symbols large canvas 

Medium sized artwork as entry way feng shui painting

Small sized gallery wall each artwork size 4x5 inches without frame 

Bedroom art can be displayed on side also

Abundance painting displayed in living room
How to fill large spaces with original art-read post.

Three spiritual abstract artworks displayed as combination in living room decor 

Feng shuii Wealth luck painting displayed in modern minimalist opulent decor

Blessings spiritual cubism  energy art displayed in family room

Pair of love happiness paintings displayed in luxury decor

Reiki floral butterflies painting displayed in Urban Diva sector

Living rooms can do with large single artwork as style statement piece or you can buy a gallery wall in sale-example group of different size combination of artworks. 

Thyroid balancing Reiki healing art in progress

While buying paintings online you can get sales and offers and concessions when you choose a combination of paintings. the shipping costs too are reduced and you get to buy gallery wall in much cheaper price than if you buy single pieces of different paintings from different artists. It is advisable to buy a combination of art from single artists because sometimes there may be energy clash.

 Cases are original, there are so many, will keep sharing in future posts.  I never mention names for privacy and respect of my healing art buyers. 

like a case I am sharing-they bought galloping horse painting for wealth luck and then I got a mail after few months that they are going through  lots of expenses-money going out. I then requested the photo of where the painting was hanging and to my surprise it was hanging with a boating painting and the boating couple were in the direction of moving out of the house-a motor speed boat!!. This unknown art print was hanging near the entrance beside the reiki horse painting and blocking the energy. The energy moving out was way too much from the house. The correction immediately showed beneficial results.

I had one case of earning good money in business but still not happy, uneasy and relationships suffering. No bonding, the head of family worried. There was a very large waterfall, Niagara falls painting in the living room. Overwhelming! In hope to attracting wealth luck the happiness washed away!! Let me tell you water paintings are not for everyone. In fact being a healer myself I never hang any water paintings in my home. Water is a difficult element to handle. Water paintings must be chosen with lots of care. It took me a while to convince them, but I just shared the symbolism and keep quiet. It is upon them to follow. And they do. 

The most difficult decision for me was a girl who wanted to do love marriage, it is really difficult in such cases to advice or sell art here. She had chosen the artwork also and was ready to buy. I advised for free Distanced reiki sessions before the decision. And Reiki did flow where it was required. Being a spectator with play of energy I would read her mails, private Instagram account messages,  and advise carefully and within a month she had miraculous change of plans. She suddenly got more focus on studies. she thought about the love marriage in a different perspective and lately I found she is happily married to some other person, an appropriate soul mate, so the life changing happiness happened! of course she didn't buy my painting, even if she would have I know reiki would have brought forthe what was best for her. ..artwork not sold? but that loss is nothing compared to real joy she is now with reiki blessings in a blissful marriage! 

Hence when people come with their wishes I ask them to be specific. Wealth is just a means to joy. The actual part is heart healing, being open to receiving love and abundance. People have come with lost businesses and have risen with unknown finances flowing their way! Reiki opens new ways or beautifies existing ways for earning. Much luck to you!

In case you have a cheap horse painting print with negative feng shuii what to do with it? read in this post.

Then I also had one case where there was a dead elder person's photograph in bedroom. The buyer had gone through all my feng shuii advise about attracting marital luck but to no success and finally after few months got a customized painting made. then i asked the person for a photo of where the art was hanging and this surprised me. Elders and dead peoples photos must never be hung in bedroom. Not for single people and not even for couple's because this takes away love energy from the room and bring uneasiness and harmful feng shuiii. North east or the living room can benefit from blessings of elders portraits and photos'. Then I understood that it is very important and hence I share the best hanging placement suggestions with every painting. I also give advise on which art will be best and intentions specific wish fulfillment art according to lucky personality colours and numbers. On my website you will find different sizes of healing feng shuii Reiki symbol paintings for sale, all intended for a joyful life of abundance. 

How to write Reiki symbol of abundance correctly read here

Buy my hand painted original one of a kind Reiki Abundance symbol paintings here.

I never give wrong advise for selling my art. In fact buyers have directly paid and bought my art without even emailing or contacting me. There was a case of diluted low sexual energy and he selected a larger painting for bedroom but I advised to go against it. Specific symbols and sigls are made to work upon combination of energies and usually what the buyer feels may not be what they require. reiki finds beautiful ways for wish fulfillment. I am happy that they listened and are happy with their wall art works and a repeated order showed that. Thank you!!!

Sizes are difficult to understand online as all photos look of same size. Read carefully the descriptions and ask for details before buying costly paintings. Usually a cheap copy or canvas digital photo print  without frame will cost lesser. Please avoid buying cheap prints of famous artists, they will not work as feng shuii cures. A machine product mass produced will definitely have no energy compared to original hand made art.

Interesting posts on Razarts blog- Need to buy paintings online? read this 9 !

symbolism of Brahma Kamal in decor

Why you must get those cheap wall posters down now!

How does one solid wall of your home influence your whole day?

For any advice regarding buying paintings or choosing feng shuii paintings please feel free to email me or write in comments section, I reply promptly within few hours!!It is free advice.

Thank you so much for coming by Razarts!

Have a Blessed Day Ahead from Rizwana!

All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.Mundewadi

                  DO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA!


Why I deleted my Saatchiart online Gallery account after 12 years personal experience sharing? Top Magical Symbol for Power Success Beauty!

 Being an artist has its own struggles which the outside world never understands. making art is just a small part, then presenting, storing, selling art is a totally different subject. then  comes art galleries' who showcase represent our art to global audience and art collectors. With a heavy heart finally I had to delete my Saatchiart online gallery account. I still remember when my husband first made my account in year 2009 with the Saacthi art gallery site. It was a fresh art portal and was linked to the Saatchi Gallery London. There was so much excitement, hope, showing my art to a global audience, art collectors from the world. I have to Thank Saatchiart online for doing so much for artists. the account is free and we have to pay commission of 40% only on sale. My art was featured in Rothko collection and Picasso collection and it was such an honor for an artist like me whose art did not get much exposure in real world. I had applied to so many Indian, Mumbai, galleries' and the rejections were becoming too much when the Saatchiart gallery brought so much exposure to my art, that was visible in the views of every artwork. Till date, September 2021, I had uploaded more than 700 original artworks for sale and even prints were available of my paintings only through the gallery. The process of deleting was not easy. I had to email the support @saatchiart many times and then the team member assisted in deleting my art account. They asked me as it was a very difficult decision for me and them too, but I had to.. years went by, I would upload art images, high resolution, write, describe my art with joy, there were some free apps of interior decor rooms where we could display art photos', it seems so amazing to see art on walls in actual rooms...I would edit, repaint, tear some, make new and add...the process is a beautiful one...The saatchi art online has actual view in your room option ,3D which is amazing! you can actually move your mobile and see the artwork how it will look in your room. Scaling the size according to room was an important  feature, especially as all photos look same, even if the painting is small or large. 

so what happened to the love story.... A sale through Saatchi art had stopped giving me happiness, it was becoming stressful as DHL from here would not allow high shipment value parcels. The gallery also did not have any special accommodations for such cases of sales. Selling art online with cut throat competition of cheap artworks, art prints and forgery copying, downloading with out permission of artist, screen shotting,. shipping art is very stressful with no specific rules with courier agencies. The rules of Saatchiart were not flexible and though actually it was very easy for other artists with all paper work done, labels,  and prepaid shipping and taxes actually there need not be any hassles on the side of artists, but sadly, it happened to me. Even if we try a lot sometimes things don't work out. It was very difficult decision..Saatchiart was my next home..I had spent so much time, energy, and passionately uploaded each artwork with detailed descriptions ,extra images, sharing on social media for so many years, writing about my art on saatchiart, making YouTube videos. However much we wish things don't work accordingly, so here after so many years of showing my art at the Saacthiart Online gallery, I decided to take the step of moving back..It was emotionally stressful and I was on the verge of breakdown...because to sell art is a very big challenge and when you sell you feel so happy lucky, you get some cash to move ahead with your art and maintaining your personal art website costs...but this was not so with me...since year 2009, gradually with cubism, I began and moved towards symbolism, healing and Reiki. I have sold only one original painting through the gallery that too with assistance from their support team with direct shipping from my side. One sale did not complete as the receiver returned the artwork and this time the sale didn't complete as my shipment was off loaded from Mumbai hub DHL for no specific reasons...saying it as high shipment value parcel, inspite of the prepaid stamp of approval from the saatchiart gallery paperwork. I have sold art prints through the gallery, I think 3 or 4 within the span of these 11,12 years being alongside with saatchiart online. I was paid promptly for the art print sales and this one thing was very clear that the Gallery would pay you for the sales taking their commission. I think this is very wonderful for clarity in finances on the Saatchiart online gallery's part. Each sale, each art print sold mattered and still does as I continue to keep buying resources, paper, canvas, paints and continue making art, displaying online through social media and website waiting for connecting with specific art lovers' and Reiki healing art buyers, healing art collectors.. the search...the struggle continues...

My profile at Saatchiart online Gallery(Deleted so you will find error page)

making art for an audience or commissions was never my cup of tea so i have to outpour whatever my mind brain and hearts brings forthe. Thanking the Saatchiart Gallery from my heart and soul for being such an important part of my artists journey, always will have a special place in my heart.. Wishing each one and Team Saatchi all the Best from Rizwana!!The words in this post are in no means to hurt the gallery or any specific person, they are an expression of what goes on in every artists life, as the front remains of making happiness healing art spreading joy to the when you buy a original artwork be assured you are not just buying a piece of paper and paint, it is much more, there is thousands of hours of  painting in their studio, struggles, chaos, family pressures, health issues, priorities, choices to make , ideas, thinking, creativity, originality, it has the heart and soul and a part of the artist that they give you, the world for a tiny reimbursement. Thank you!

In past year I have deleted my FASO account which was for more than 6 and half years, and shifted my website to WIX. I have also deleted my Fine Art America account of more than 13 years which had more than 500 original art prints and art printed products available for sale. 

Fine Art America profile which I deleted

Coming to the Title, sharing beautiful emery symbol for bringing out your hidden power. You will feel like a Goddess. We have a lot of importance for Goddess energy in healing. This does not only refer to feminine energy or for women. Here I am stating that the chi, powerful energy, is the Goddess energy with super powers. Sometimes when you keep continuing the meditations and healings a moment comes when you feel absolutely blissful, things start moving according to your wish and those that don't you know are not meant for you. The powers need to be controlled as Kundalini awakening leads to many people having nervous breakdowns, going and, going delusional, having hallucinations, which the outside world people do not accept. The energy needs to be controlled with guided guru or good teacher. 

Symbols of power especially the Cho Ku Rei is a wild horse energy symbol. You can just go from ashes to success if the symbol gives you love. Reading and researching on power of symbols, there are ancient wiccan symbols, that bring immense power surge. I have written these few symbols with my fingers directly dipped in paint. Ancient healers witches, magic people used to write runes and symbols using blood but that is too much bloody energy for a pure soul healer like me. I choose, I want to go the white light energy way with joy. And of course the symbols have intentions and power to follow the intent put in. 

Sigils are lines written in specific formations. These are of immense energy and writing sigils with clarity brings forthe wishes. Bind runes were used in ancient time's and have resurrected now again with spreading their energies around to those who search for. Special Sigils written, I usually have a combination of symbols, brings the best chi to move ahead, break karmic blocks and open up energy flow. Remember there is an energy cycle, it has to keep moving.. just like our chakras, they have to keep spinning in harmony with proper speed to bring in good health and peace. Here I write Bind runes for personal power.

There are auspicious feng shuii symbols and paintings that brings beautiful harmony energy. When we display such symbols they assist us in our life feng shuii and life journey.  

Inguz, make a way where there is no way Reiki calligraphy art

My personal favorite Symbol is Harth. It brings out power success beauty. The symbol is so so beautiful. It first brings heart healing, self acceptance, you actually no longer pity yourself or your situations and you are made to start working towards a beautiful life. as successful spiritual karmic life. Harth has to be given immense love and dedication for her blessings to open up to you. But trust me, once she does, the blessings keep pouring. Written in a specific manner, watch the correct way to write harth Reiki symbol in this YouTube video. 

sacred codes are numbers that bring luck and transformations

For sacred codes visit my YouTube channel the Red Pilgrim. 

Alchemist The Red Pilgrim

What happens? how do these symbols change your life? firstly they unblock the hurdles, karmic blocks, brains thought self sabotaging thoughts, and open your mind for new experiences. You feel energized, you are guided for beast health practices and best career choices thus brining joy to your life. There is a feeling of bliss, harmony, life doesn't seem flows magically...

Life may not be a bed of roses.. but it will seem beautiful!! The Universe has everything in just have to tap this correctly!!

Much Love Light and Peace to You!

The Red Pilgrim

All the Best from Rizwana!

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Free Reiki sessions Myths Eye opener ! Detailed Symbolism of Healing Reiki collage art

Free Reiki sessions is a Myth! When you sign up they take your email and then start promoting services that are paid. You are also sent tons of emails promotions and bombarded with continued offers regularly.  I have been an impatient soul striving for knowledge energy experiences and how to work towards more alchemy changes that benefit everyone. Most advertisements coming for free readings and free Rei8ki or teaching free Reiki is a hoax. How can you find the magic without putting any effort? that is not the law of the Universe.  

Distance Reiki Healing 

 Reiki has become a wonderful healing career for so many healers across the globe. You have tons of reiki teachers offering online free courses, but did you ever think it is free? you will search Google and be loaded with Reiki healers and healing artists, healers, Practitioners, boasting of free distance Reiki sessions, free readings, spiritual rituals, and healing art. My Reiki Teacher has said and that is one of the main principles of Reiki -it is never to be given free. There is history since Jesus times as he healed the lepers who went back to begging as that was comfortable and easy. And personally I have also seen healing art end up in bins because it was not paid for! Hence I prefer tearing burning old art instead of gifting free. Free readings, free sessions are just a tip of the iceberg and then you are tempted to pay and move ahead for detailed analysis of your issue or getting solutions for your issues. I understand nothing must be free but the path must be clear and not misleading for the buyers.  There are actually people who mention they are paid for promotions on their site or in their videos', or that ads shown on their site help them get some small amount of revenue which is good for the reputation. 

Certificates are not a criteria for Reiki energy levels. Because you may find many websites offering free Reiki or short term courses with minimum amount and making you a certified Reiki Master. Reiki today is still suffering because there is no standardization process or no official course for this. There are world famous Reiki schools and Teachers where the courses are very high cost and maybe they work upon differently. It is better to see the work of the Reiki healer or the changes they can show, and follow your gut.    

Coming to the title of this eye opener post. People write symbols and start practicing and then say Reiki doesn't work. Nothing happens. So much information is available online free but not copyright free-not karma free.  When we see or meet a qualified experienced Reiki Master the energy is not just academic, trust me, a whole lot of turmoil, lessons, experiences and energy work has to be done to reach and attain a certain spiritual level when you can allow the changes to be seen  felt . Healers are themselves going through so much yet they choose the path to spread healing, maybe karmic path or spiritual path or a way to reach enlightenment or striving to find inner peace for self. 

There is such an attraction to the word free that people still get carried away. Why does the human brain long for free goodies, free things or sale concessions. i know it feels good when you get something cheaper or you get discounts, during sale offers, it feels good to get a quality product in less money. But when you analyze there is nothing free. You actually spend more totally  in turn and maybe save a few bucks in that process. 

In Reiki this is energy and people feel that is a spiritual field so why pay, or many may also say the healer is not doing or spending anything while the session of Reiki healing so why pay? I just say you do it and then actually people have tried everything, even free symbols, free Reiki from other Masters and even print outs of healing art but trust me, there is something much larger and much more to the energy work than just a few books and few symbols. Some People come back after years with trying everything free. So free is just a myth. If you really want to see changes find a qualified and experienced Reiki Master or healing artists for transformations and life healing. Search Google or enquire with others for the results before you choose. 

My take and personally I never go for anything free. Somehow it just doesn't fit in my life energy flow. It is not justified, or my brain doesn't accept free. Maybe the message embedded is that you work or pay for any service and yes, the Universe too loves this path. Sometimes you may have no option but the free, or you chance upon something free, If you take something free always say Thank you and bless the person. But trust me the paid service is always more effective and guilt free.

There are free Reiki YouTube videos on The Red Pilgrim Channel I make with intentions for spreading Reiki healing to those who are searching for. YouTube followers have benefitted immensely and many have made that a daily ritual for healing arts meditations. This I have started after more than twenty years of practicing self Reiki and making healing art. I have more than 1 thousand subscribers on The Red Pilgrim you Tube Channel.  But I do not get paid or any other financial assistance from these or anyone else except for those who buy my art from my website. It is a pure intentional free videos outlet  which I started because many people are still hesitant to allow Reiki energy in their lives. It is pitiable how people have the excusitis sickness and can't stop making excuses for why they keep failing. There is a process, a sequence of using symbols and writing them correctly with clear positive intentions for benefits. Otherwise they are just lines! Painting since year 2000 passionately filling up canvasses and papers and tearing thousands regularly yet having highest number of original Reiki artworks,( more than 2,500 in different sizes and making more, ) by a single artist at present in my home studio. There seems to be an energy creative flow with colours symbols and collages. Reiki flows.

Making Happiness Joyful collages are my latest artworks in studio. Collages symbolize so much depth and spiritual symbolism. Why do artists make paper collages, find object collages, how do collages heal? The art of collage making , tearing papers, images from magazines and arranging them to bring soothing or shocking or healing energy effects, message, words, texts, textures, anything can be assembled as collage. 

Manifest your Dream Life with healing arts meditation Reiki-YouTube Channel the Red Pilgrim Video

Why do artists make collage? it is a very hidden energy of finding peace from chaos. To make something new from bits symbolize setting life straight or making things work out for you in a positive manner. I have torn my old artworks and then brought joyful energy with fresh assembling and making healing collages for happiness and joy. people also make dream collages, wish list collage, family photos collage, travel pics collage, romantic collage, career hike collage, dream car collage (be it Bugati Lamborghini Ritz Mercedes Swift Wagon R Dream car manifesting g Reiki energy video) , the list is endless as to how much you can do with this art technique of collage making. 

The process itself is so healing. You feel the struggle to make things right. to set things straight. To bring joy from what was of no use. recycling, repainting, retouching, healing art collage making is such a joyful path for the artists as well as the buyer and viewer. Some artists keep searching for right images, colours, texts for making their collage. There is such an intricate pattern in assembling bits and papers to make something beautiful from that. I have also seen that what i want to express sometimes becomes difficult with paint and acrylics so collages brought so much energy and beauty now. These were precious oil paintings of papers , thousands obsessively painted geometric artworks that I had stored and now they are transformed into joy. Buy my latest healing Reiki happiness collages on my website. View and enter into another world of carefree happiness and joys and attract all that your heart desires! The Universe has so much in abundance, we just have forgotten our path, the path of true joyful life instead we choose complexity, struggles, lacks and then continue... 

Reiki symbols are added in a process of steps as each paper or bit of paper finds meaning to the story of the collage. the base of geometric formation begin with their own story and as bits and pieces which are missing, energy missing, come in the thought process, begins the assembling part. laying the bits and then sticking them with love and care. making borders, adding healing symbols, giving meaning energy direction to the final art collage. Paper art, Collages emerge with something new always. they are open to interpretations and each viewer sees different things or objects and shapes and has their own story! collages are magical!!W

Buyers of Collages symbolism- Why do people get attracted to buying healing collages? Why do they find a painting lesser than and choose to add a collage? after all the individual too has gone through or are going through a journey spiritual transformation. Not everyone will hear the song of the only connects to particular souls!!

tearing old art for happiness collages

Collage song happiness collage year 2021

Golden energies geometric spiritual cubism

The process of energy attracts the same type of energy. When people buy art, those artworks connect to the heart soul and mind. Somewhere it brings joy and peace, it is I always  say a connection. An artwork is only complete when it connects with its viewer and buyer, this completes the story and the picture.  
Happiness Collage by Rizwana A.Mundewadi Reiki healing artist

House with a Riot of Colours! Happiness collage artwork by The Red Pilgrim

Take Care and God Bless!

Your's The Red Pilgrim!! 

The above paintings and collages are available for sale only from my website. Razarts

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