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Free Reiki sessions Myths Eye opener ! Detailed Symbolism of Healing Reiki collage art

Free Reiki sessions is a Myth! When you sign up they take your email and then start promoting services that are paid. You are also sent tons of emails promotions and bombarded with continued offers regularly.  I have been an impatient soul striving for knowledge energy experiences and how to work towards more alchemy changes that benefit everyone. Most advertisements coming for free readings and free Rei8ki or teaching free Reiki is a hoax. How can you find the magic without putting any effort? that is not the law of the Universe.  

Distance Reiki Healing 

 Reiki has become a wonderful healing career for so many healers across the globe. You have tons of reiki teachers offering online free courses, but did you ever think it is free? you will search Google and be loaded with Reiki healers and healing artists, healers, Practitioners, boasting of free distance Reiki sessions, free readings, spiritual rituals, and healing art. My Reiki Teacher has said and that is one of the main principles of Reiki -it is never to be given free. There is history since Jesus times as he healed the lepers who went back to begging as that was comfortable and easy. And personally I have also seen healing art end up in bins because it was not paid for! Hence I prefer tearing burning old art instead of gifting free. Free readings, free sessions are just a tip of the iceberg and then you are tempted to pay and move ahead for detailed analysis of your issue or getting solutions for your issues. I understand nothing must be free but the path must be clear and not misleading for the buyers.  There are actually people who mention they are paid for promotions on their site or in their videos', or that ads shown on their site help them get some small amount of revenue which is good for the reputation. 

Certificates are not a criteria for Reiki energy levels. Because you may find many websites offering free Reiki or short term courses with minimum amount and making you a certified Reiki Master. Reiki today is still suffering because there is no standardization process or no official course for this. There are world famous Reiki schools and Teachers where the courses are very high cost and maybe they work upon differently. It is better to see the work of the Reiki healer or the changes they can show, and follow your gut.    

Coming to the title of this eye opener post. People write symbols and start practicing and then say Reiki doesn't work. Nothing happens. So much information is available online free but not copyright free-not karma free.  When we see or meet a qualified experienced Reiki Master the energy is not just academic, trust me, a whole lot of turmoil, lessons, experiences and energy work has to be done to reach and attain a certain spiritual level when you can allow the changes to be seen  felt . Healers are themselves going through so much yet they choose the path to spread healing, maybe karmic path or spiritual path or a way to reach enlightenment or striving to find inner peace for self. 

There is such an attraction to the word free that people still get carried away. Why does the human brain long for free goodies, free things or sale concessions. i know it feels good when you get something cheaper or you get discounts, during sale offers, it feels good to get a quality product in less money. But when you analyze there is nothing free. You actually spend more totally  in turn and maybe save a few bucks in that process. 

In Reiki this is energy and people feel that is a spiritual field so why pay, or many may also say the healer is not doing or spending anything while the session of Reiki healing so why pay? I just say you do it and then actually people have tried everything, even free symbols, free Reiki from other Masters and even print outs of healing art but trust me, there is something much larger and much more to the energy work than just a few books and few symbols. Some People come back after years with trying everything free. So free is just a myth. If you really want to see changes find a qualified and experienced Reiki Master or healing artists for transformations and life healing. Search Google or enquire with others for the results before you choose. 

My take and personally I never go for anything free. Somehow it just doesn't fit in my life energy flow. It is not justified, or my brain doesn't accept free. Maybe the message embedded is that you work or pay for any service and yes, the Universe too loves this path. Sometimes you may have no option but the free, or you chance upon something free, If you take something free always say Thank you and bless the person. But trust me the paid service is always more effective and guilt free.

There are free Reiki YouTube videos on The Red Pilgrim Channel I make with intentions for spreading Reiki healing to those who are searching for. YouTube followers have benefitted immensely and many have made that a daily ritual for healing arts meditations. This I have started after more than twenty years of practicing self Reiki and making healing art. I have more than 1 thousand subscribers on The Red Pilgrim you Tube Channel.  But I do not get paid or any other financial assistance from these or anyone else except for those who buy my art from my website. It is a pure intentional free videos outlet  which I started because many people are still hesitant to allow Reiki energy in their lives. It is pitiable how people have the excusitis sickness and can't stop making excuses for why they keep failing. There is a process, a sequence of using symbols and writing them correctly with clear positive intentions for benefits. Otherwise they are just lines! Painting since year 2000 passionately filling up canvasses and papers and tearing thousands regularly yet having highest number of original Reiki artworks,( more than 2,500 in different sizes and making more, ) by a single artist at present in my home studio. There seems to be an energy creative flow with colours symbols and collages. Reiki flows.

Making Happiness Joyful collages are my latest artworks in studio. Collages symbolize so much depth and spiritual symbolism. Why do artists make paper collages, find object collages, how do collages heal? The art of collage making , tearing papers, images from magazines and arranging them to bring soothing or shocking or healing energy effects, message, words, texts, textures, anything can be assembled as collage. 

Manifest your Dream Life with healing arts meditation Reiki-YouTube Channel the Red Pilgrim Video

Why do artists make collage? it is a very hidden energy of finding peace from chaos. To make something new from bits symbolize setting life straight or making things work out for you in a positive manner. I have torn my old artworks and then brought joyful energy with fresh assembling and making healing collages for happiness and joy. people also make dream collages, wish list collage, family photos collage, travel pics collage, romantic collage, career hike collage, dream car collage (be it Bugati Lamborghini Ritz Mercedes Swift Wagon R Dream car manifesting g Reiki energy video) , the list is endless as to how much you can do with this art technique of collage making. 

The process itself is so healing. You feel the struggle to make things right. to set things straight. To bring joy from what was of no use. recycling, repainting, retouching, healing art collage making is such a joyful path for the artists as well as the buyer and viewer. Some artists keep searching for right images, colours, texts for making their collage. There is such an intricate pattern in assembling bits and papers to make something beautiful from that. I have also seen that what i want to express sometimes becomes difficult with paint and acrylics so collages brought so much energy and beauty now. These were precious oil paintings of papers , thousands obsessively painted geometric artworks that I had stored and now they are transformed into joy. Buy my latest healing Reiki happiness collages on my website. View and enter into another world of carefree happiness and joys and attract all that your heart desires! The Universe has so much in abundance, we just have forgotten our path, the path of true joyful life instead we choose complexity, struggles, lacks and then continue... 

Reiki symbols are added in a process of steps as each paper or bit of paper finds meaning to the story of the collage. the base of geometric formation begin with their own story and as bits and pieces which are missing, energy missing, come in the thought process, begins the assembling part. laying the bits and then sticking them with love and care. making borders, adding healing symbols, giving meaning energy direction to the final art collage. Paper art, Collages emerge with something new always. they are open to interpretations and each viewer sees different things or objects and shapes and has their own story! collages are magical!!W

Buyers of Collages symbolism- Why do people get attracted to buying healing collages? Why do they find a painting lesser than and choose to add a collage? after all the individual too has gone through or are going through a journey spiritual transformation. Not everyone will hear the song of the only connects to particular souls!!

tearing old art for happiness collages

Collage song happiness collage year 2021

Golden energies geometric spiritual cubism

The process of energy attracts the same type of energy. When people buy art, those artworks connect to the heart soul and mind. Somewhere it brings joy and peace, it is I always  say a connection. An artwork is only complete when it connects with its viewer and buyer, this completes the story and the picture.  
Happiness Collage by Rizwana A.Mundewadi Reiki healing artist

House with a Riot of Colours! Happiness collage artwork by The Red Pilgrim

Take Care and God Bless!

Your's The Red Pilgrim!! 

The above paintings and collages are available for sale only from my website. Razarts


How to Break family curse/ family spell/ Powerful spoken guided Reiki meditation and Why you need to break family curses?

family curse, you must have seen that inspite of all the facilities education wealth yet some people keep struggling with relationships, some struggle with keeping wealth in their home inspite of working really hard, some go bankrupt without understanding why this happened tot hem, some people have it all yet are uneasy and restless without peace, these are many times jotted down to family curses. 
This is not an orthodox post, it has to do with psychic energy, karmic energy and why you need to break this karmic cycle of curses. Your mind notes down each and every incident and you have heard your grand parents mention about why someone got angry, why some relative stopped communicating, or why an old senior felt insulted at a marriage and left without eating food...these things remain as curses for generations to come. 
Achieve your maximum potential! Golden Dreams available for sale latest artwork 2021

sometimes prenatal trauma is also the cause of your hindered progress...forgive and move ahead with this Reiki healing arts mediation video experience.
Brain waves carry the messages, your DNA gets embedded with this energy and it gets stuck leading you to bring many more such experiences. This is just like the evil eye which affects seriously health wealth and joy. In Feng shuii we do space clearing to remove blocked energy from environment. In Reiki we go to the past karmic influences, we even connect to the ancestors and ask forgiveness to move ahead in life. 
Reconciliation, forgiveness, clearing past negative emotions, negative experiences is very important for your progress. Once done you find peace, fresh energy, new pathways to progress and gradually life doesn't seem so uphill like it was felt earlier. life flows smoothly with joy.  You have to clear the past to open up your future. If this step is not done and you continue being spiritual and give charity then somewhat the cure effects reduce. But they don't clear off. 
That is our main aim in life, my main focus to spread Reiki and bring real feelings of bliss, gratitude and joy in this precious life. 
Trust me on that the curses go on for generations. People don't even understand or know when and what may have happened. You have to take the holistic approach with reiki personal healing, family healing, space clearing and feng shuii to break this spell. reiki healing paintings are a beautiful way to bring assistance from the universe to guide you for this important energy task in life. each and every person needs this as there are unknowing blocks in some or other aspects of life. Hardly do we see anyone at complete bliss unless they are high with drugs or mad!!!
Thank you so much for coming by Razarts!
Love Light Peace joy to You and Your's!!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Buy original Reiki healing art from my website


Alchemy of making Gold- Did old ancient healers make gold? Is om just a religious mantra Or does this have a deeper symbolism?

Is Om just a religious mantra? Or does this have a deeper symbolism?  And a very interesting fact about making gold. The yellow metal that’s till brings a sparkle in every Indian women’s eye.  

One 0f my best artworks check the details in video I AM GOLD

Unfolding some mystery...

about alchemy and guiding the way to use Aum mantra for benefits in daily life in this interesting post.  You may know the Hindu mantra that has been practiced since ages with the sound of Om. Yogis used to repeat the mantra for kundalini awakening and spiritual gurus as well as sadhus were seen chanting this om.  Aum the first sound of the universe, the blessing that brings inner peace as it is chanted. Not just for religious and spiritual purposes.  The sound of Aum, Auhm is used in many meditations now and has its uses and benefits as well as downfalls. Let me share important points here that will bring a new fresh perspective to Om mantra meditations in your life.

Tibetan Buddhism Symbols Reiki Auspicious art

The urban sophisticate Absolute healing with ART!

Alchemy of Gold. When we see the symbols sued by alchemists they used to transform energy with symbols and personal energy. Alchemy is not just a spiritual unseen energy. It is a calculation, a formula, a mixture of symbols that bring about fast changes and immediate transformations in individuals and environments by use of correct combination of symbols. Alchemists are scientists. I have dabbled with many combinations and strive to bring fast results in my symbol healing art.  Usually there are metal symbols, elements symbols and we need a deeper understanding of effects each symbol has. Even slightest mistakes can turn the life around in negative manner hence alchemy is not for every healer, especially not for common man to dabble into. Alchemists used formulae’s to bring change. They could attract wishes, attract wealth, attract people, attract future experiences if they were done with pure heart. Ancient Ayurveda books have many formulas to make the metal gold. The process is mentioned in ancient books and ayurveda texts. There were times when there was poverty and nothing to come out of this and at such times the ancient learned ayurvedacharyas have made a specific combination of formula ,metals in certain percentage and very little gold to make the complete mixture turned to gold metal. The process is very complicated and difficult even after reading and experimenting. It is well written that these be tried only in absolute dire circumstances of financial need and never for greed or lavish desires.  There are some metals, like steel, silver, iron, copper that are used in certain percentage and then some real gold. It is melted in furnace for many hours with slow heat. We know gold ahs a very high melting point. You have to keep the secret and after the number of hours of applied gradual heat the complete mixture melts and turns to GOLD!!!These formulae were sued by ancient people to come out of financial struggles. I have not tried as I strive to bring transformation with symbols and have used the alchemy symbol of Gold to bring immense benefits in spiritual, physical and financial well being. It works! Combinations of symbols energy brings in unblocking force and opens up ways to channel wealth from different sources. You can experience live flow of Reiki healing arts mediation here in my YouTube video. Channelingwealth from different sources.

Alchemy symbols healing art

Terrific Symphony of my Life Feng shuii Ba Gua symbol abstract painting

what if you dream of gold coins? what does this mean? read here.

The symbol Om is specifically a chakra sound and mantra. The sound meditations are used with symbol art and healing paintings that direct the brain to stop the chatter and focus on specific symbol and thus bring in peace and harmony in your thoughts and mind. Scientifically proved there are each syllable and text sounds that reach specific sections and heal each aspect of your brain. This is known now as sound therapy.  Binaural beats. Healing vibrations and sound therapy are vibrations that may not even be loud but they reach the subconscious level of your mind and thus bring transformation. Also reduces anxiety and stress and brings in a peaceful mental state that affects directly your health, work and relationships. Bio waves specifically reach where they are targeted and this is a highly specialized skill and technique. In general when we listen to spiritual chants songs hymns and mantras each person connects differently to sounds. We choose sounds that heal us and that is totally different for different people.

Aum mantra is the basic and very easy as well as beneficial. We learn to undo the negative thoughts, retune and reinstall new energy. With the Om mantra chanting and Om mantra healing art on your wall you can see faster results from your meditations. Usually when we sit for mediation and close yes the brain still keeps working. It is proved that even during sleep the brain is working hence sometimes even after a good nights sleep many people complain of weakness and feeling lethargic.

I have shared the correct way to write Om symbol for benefits. You can also write it yourself or choose a healing Om symbol painting that connects to your soul.

How does the Om mantra work? There is a frequency vibration of every word, alphabet as we speak it. Every chakra mantra has its own sound vibrations. The chakra mantras have come up with very evolved understanding of mantra benefits. Repeating the chakra mantra regularly helps the energy of your chakra to unblock and harmonize for your good health. The research for best sound therapy has come up with these chakra mantras and they work miraculously on your chakras. Physically we do exercise and eat healthy food and take rest for sleep but the root cause for any disease is chakra imbalances. This is achieved with a combination of all the above as well as sound therapy and spiritual symbols healing art. With Om healing art you also get the intentions and energy of the healing artist assisting you with your life journey.

How do you chant om mantra? There is a technique of chanting each chakra mantra. Aum is the activation sound for third eye chakra.  We have the Tibetan Om mantra that also is chanted with specific technique. While om is simple to say for healing purposes you have to touch the tip of your tongue to your palette and remember that the sound must move inside your closed mouth and reach the ears from inside. You will feel the vibrations. For hmm (throat chakra) , rumm (solar plexus) , yumm (heart chakra) , these mantras are also repeated for healings specific chakras.  Remember to have the last mmm vibrate within you and experience truly the energy of sound healing. Keep the chakra healing art in front of you for guided mediations. If you can also do positive affirmations for quick results and a healthy lifestyle.

Contemporary Aum 

Aum symbol has immense benefits from protection energy, evil eye cure, auspicious new beginnings, welcoming new work, baby luck, business luck and karmic healing, soul healing. The simple Om mantra with its unique energy benefits must be used daily to keep experiencing its benefits. You will soon realize it is not just a word or alphabet ,it is a life transformational magical symbol.

Symbols bring strong focused energy and ease in meditations,  especially for the monkey mind you need to tame it to bring in quick positive changes in life. Trust the Universe, she has your back! Always remember there is everything in abundance with the just have to tap this correctly!!  Be open to receiving!!

All the Best from Rizwana!

Your’s The Red Pilgrim!

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings..

some interesting life changing posts on Razarts-

What is the magic star? 5 simple ways to attract wealth


Understand How Your Painting Feels - Trauma Your Paintings Feel

Airavaat with seven trunks

As a healer I understand the energy each object has. With flowing pulsating energy in every individual I have see...Your wall paintings too have feelings and emotions. Trying to move hand over a painting frame you will feel its emotions. 
When a frame hanging onw all falls it may not break and you immediately pick it up and hang it again. But do understand that frame does feel, it has its own energy, it feels trauma. Talking a few soft words of love and care helps ease the trauma. 
Similarly when you travel or ship a painting it feels the stress and trauma of shipping, flight, and transportation. hence I always pack it with love and put the intentions for safely reaching my art buyers.
With antique and ancient paintings you can feel the energy pull with its story of being handed over by generations. 
All the Best from Rizwana!


some love stories don't have happy fact they don't have any to find true soul mate with reiki?

 Love stories with happy endings is all that we wish for but in reality this hardly seen in relationships. Only when you make a conscious continuous effort to keep the relationship alive with fresh energy boosters then you see those happy families. It is not something ready made and of course one that cannot be bought. Because you will see loads of money yet the family seems aloof and apart from each other. Today this post is dedicated to how you can improve the quality of your love family life and what role does Reiki play here. 

Soul mates, Partners, BFF's, better half, one soul, spouse, and so many terms used to describe the beautiful energy of harmony that another soul brings to your life. people who are married and living with family feel blessed to have a purpose of caring for each other, a motive in their life. There are some who keeps struggling to maintain family harmony and fail each time they try thus giving up hope to find their right mate. The first thing to make clear is that families are not naturally happy, you have to work upon them each and every day, every moment, every choice you make will have an effect on how your family continues to live together happily. 

Soul mates are made with YIN and Yang energy. The term better half comes from this explaining true love and respect for the other partner. This also removes ego of being too good for the mate and brings humility and understanding in the person. 

When people struggle to find marriage proposals and are unable to work upon any successfully then they feel they are jinxed and the Universe does not have any partner for them. Many lead their complete life being single alone and with the guilt that maybe they did something wrong in past life that they are not getting the right proposal. 

Reiki opens up doors to find those who are going to be best for you. The Universe keeps bringing in lessons until you finally learn the lesson, then the negative experiences stop coming. Feng shuii cures are very powerful and when activated correctly you can see immense benefits in life energy.  

Modern Minimalistic Reiki Feng shuii Bedroom paintings sale 

For love and marital luck we have some confusing thoughts and people don't know the right information. The family and relationships sector according to feng shuii is south west. We also have the East that brings immense blessings of family happiness and wealth. The neglected part is the south west as people focus completely on their bedroom energy and hang romantic artworks, birds paintings or flower paintings to bring love luck. We have to think the whole energy as one and work upon this together to see fast results. Finding good partner and marriage proposals is also activated with specific intentions healing art placed in the North west sector. This is the helpful mentor luck sector. Yu have to understand that a partner is not just a sexual partner, that person is your best friend, supporter, encourages and energy refresher for your soul. 

Finding your soul mate Reiki healing arts mediation YouTube video .

Long distance relationships Reiki arts meditation.

Coming to the title we see some couples that are uncomfortable, yet they continue living. Compromises, adjustments and negative vibes continue flying in their homes yet they fail to accept or make any decision regarding their relationships. Reiki assist here immensely. This is not that they will separate or divorce. Reiki brings the best for the couple always. So if it is workable Reiki brings beautiful encouragers supporters in your life and heals the heart to forgive others and themselves and to be open to give and receive love. Individuals suddenly get new insights, new perspective towards life and relationships and many things are sorted out thus. 

Life need not be an abyss of negative loop. It is very sad to see people struggling with this beautiful life issue, finding a soul mate must be full of excitement and joy but this becomes a negative task with repeated refusals. Day in and day out this subject takes center stage in their  mind draining all energy and many even become aloof and avoid any social functions because of this topic coming up. You can break the karmic cycle and open up your life to fresh energy. healing past present and future with Reiki. If it does not seem like a happy family, then it is not the end, trust me on that!! Life flows with beautiful joyful energy and you enjoy those precious moments, you bring in positive experiences. You have to be careful of those people you are surrounded with in case you are unable to find the right partner. 

I have seen affirmations and lots of inspiring positive books on relationships and how to be the best partner, yet all things don't work for everyone. There will always be limitations to your efforts and knowledge. Here the Universe comes in the picture to guide you, assist you and help you lead a fruitful joyful life. Your love story need not move aimlessly.. you can make the decision... Trust the open to receiving!!

Pink Interlinked! for buying this artwork  

prenatal trauma is also one of the cause for life energy blocks. Free Reiki healing arts mediation video.

Thank you to my Followers and YouTube subscribers for making me reach the 1K figure. Thank You Google and thank you Followers for subscribing to my Channel!!Life is magical! Be open to receive!! Trust the process, trust the flow..It works!!

Set things straight Reiki healing arts meditation.

Relationship abuse Reiki.

Healthy sexual relationship with partner Reiki meditation video

Here's Wishing You for Happy life ahead!!

All the Best from Rizwana!

Your's The Red Pilgrim!

Buy Best Reiki Feng shuii energy love healing paintings from my personal website


Anti Ageing skin assistance Reiki! Reiki for Skin Diseases writing symbols Healing art meditation!

Can Reiki be used to heal skin scars rashes and chronic skin diseases?  Love to have that flawless skin? request and be open to receive Reiki assistance! Skin glowing and beautiful healthy skin is a blessings which only few lucky ones get. Every individual wants to have flawless glowing skin and people try out various cosmetics and treatments that may be harsh for getting perfect skin. I am not much for applications and skin care as my natural skin is healthy and maybe has to do something with the genes, so really have to thank my parents for healthy skin! and of course Reiki!

Meditation practices and exercises is a beautiful way to get healthy flawless glowing skin. Reiki energy is directed to whatever wish you meditate on and healing art is made specifically for any health issues or life problems that need to be harmonized. 

It is not just about face beauty but skin all over our body needs love and care. People are very emotional because face skin does bring a lot of stress and social acceptance issues internally for the individual. Many people are so conscious of even a single pimple that they go to any means to remove that which most times leads to scarring and permanent damage to skin cells. No wonder the skin care industry and skin care clinics are roaring with regular patients.

Reiki energy is very beautiful. You just have to trust the flow and allow the Universe to assist you in mystical ways. Strange are the ways the Universe chooses, go with the flow. I have been thinking, reading, researching about Reiki symbols since past twenty years and making healing art with the use of symbols to bring in change. Many chronic diseases have been scientifically proved to heal faster with Reiki assistance along with modern medicines. Even cancer has been proved to reduce anxiety and pain with regular Reiki treatments.

Inner Beauty! I have the Aura of a Goddess!

Choosing the appropriate symbols comes with intuition and guidance by my lovely spirit guides. Usually I have a calculated alchemical formula, a process, a combination of symbols, sigils, codes, colors, dots, lines,  that I write with a innocent pure intent to make abstract art. Customized artworks are also done in this manner with very specific energy symbols needed by the healee.
Skin scars, rashes, and most skin diseases are found to have their root based in emotional and nervous system. You will notice rashes get triggered by stress and lifestyle. So also skin patches, pimples suddenly erupt when you are facing challenges in life. Diseases when take longer than natural predicted time to heal by medical practitioner, than you must understand that it has more than just the physical treatment. Applications and tubes and medicines bring temporary relief and then again you have chances of relapse with skin issues. 

Reiki unblocks the life energy blockages, heart issues and opens up ways to lead a happy healthy lifestyle. reiki brings guidance to choose right foods, take care of your body and you will be surprised as to how Reiki even brings the best doctors in your life that guide you correctly. 
Rashes and itches are really stubborn and I have seen immense benefits with Reiki energy symbols and with regular healing arts meditation. 
Daily mediations surely will show you immense benefits with health issues. Skin health will gradually improve and you will see a healthy glowing skin. Try it, it works! 
You have to have the will to accept your body and the lessons the Universe is trying to teach you through your disease, allow the energy flow to heal you, and trust the Universe!  feel the magic!
Flawless healthy glowing skin!
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Your's The Red Pilgrim!
Paintings in this post are available for sale on my website. Buy Reiki healing art for glowing aura and vibrant skin-


The Mystic Knot meaning Uses and 8 Careful warnings. How to write Tibetan unending knot symbol?

 The Mystic knot is a beautiful symbol from Tibetan Buddhism and in feng shui it has been proved to be one of the most effective in promoting harmony, love and happiness in the family. Seriously very harmful when incomplete or abnormal and hung out side the main door. Only if you knew how wall art can change your life, you would take every piece hanging there on your walls very seriously!

Inner Acumen! The Mystic Knot Tibetan Om mantra painting-for sale

Bedroom feng shui involves displaying symbols of dual energies, the Yin as well as the yang, only when there is a balance, does life go around smoothly for the married couple.
Most beautiful gifts for newly married couples would be to gift a healing feng shui painting along with best guidelines for displaying in the best locations to attract happiness and harmony in their new life.
Meaning of Mystic knot- Interesting symbol flowing from one starting point continuing with its energy and ending overlapping. the mystic knot also symbolizes a snake that eats its tail. This symbol is one of the eight auspicious symbols used in Tibetan Buddhism. The endless knot (palbheu) is symbolic of good fortune of complimenting every aspect of life in harmony. The earth and the heaven all in harmony and well balanced.
Thus symbolizing reality of life and death a  cycle of life , birth and rebirth. One of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism this one is seen in many forms and art objects. From paintings to be displayed this Mystic knot symbol is seen in feng shui jewelry, gift articles, wind chimes, clothes prints as well as daily use objects with the image of the  symbol.
Displaying symbols is an important part of feng shui symbolism and the Mystic Knot is one powerful feng shui cure to heal relationships and attract great relations.
Then one will wonder is this Mystic knot symbol always good? No, the mystic knot has to be chosen carefully and also hung in proper direction. You understand that the knot is a loop, connected.
1) Imagine when the artist has painted the unending knot it with negative angry emotions. Then this energy is transferred to the viewers.
2) broken irregular lines in the mystic knot symbolize hurdles and challenges and you unknowingly attract those with such imperfect symbols on your wall.
3) If you are facing negative emotions, depression, anger, stress, too many losses in business and about to close the business or losing a job and you hang such a knot then you will fall into the never ending tarp of negativity. It will be difficult to come out from this.
4) Mystic knot in north west, the energy of this feng shuii sector is air and whatever you place here it flies off. If you hang the couples photos' in north west with mystic knot they will soon develop misunderstandings and separate. This sector is for mentor luck and you need string people support here. If you are an elderly boss in North west using the mystic knot symbol they will get into legal tangles and also health issues.
4) What energy you use when you hang a unending knot symbol painting? if you doubt then you will always be in that loop. If you fear then fear moves obsessively within you. Be careful of your thoughts and always clear your mind before using this symbol.
5) When you use mystic knot symbol for wealth. People get very excited to use this symbol in feng shuii wealth sector. Imagine never ending money supply, isn't it ? That is not so easy. Wealth from the Universe has to drawn carefully and judiciously. If you ever suffer losses or lose a contract then that energy will immediately get embedded in the symbol. Your mind is very very powerful and also remember negative energy gets stuck very easily. it is the positive that takes efforts. I would advice to be careful with wealth sector for this symbol.

6) Many people love to make a tattoo of mystic knot symbol. I personally am not in favor of tattoos. I respect my body as a temple and piecing any part breaks that energy bonds and damages the complete links. Avoid unending knot on any specific organs as you will experience lots of stress and that part of body will feel under pressure of over working which may damage the part fast. You will begin to attract new unexpected diseases of that body part. If it is neck, you start spondylitis, neck sprains, pains. If the lower back you begin kidney issues urinary problems etc. If the heart, that is most dangerous. People having blood pressure must totally avoid this symbol in any form.

7) Office table will benefit from this symbol if you always meditate before beginning each day and talk to the symbol. Yes, they listen and if you give them respect and love, trust me they give you back manifolds! Intentions are most important for the symbol to work for you.

8) Bedroom for love and harmony. Though I much prefer the reiki symbol Yin yang as it brings out best in the couple and also each individual is energy wise healed of yin and yang but even this mystic knot symbol is very good. What you have to do? whenever you have chosen a healing artwork of mystic knot symbol always look at it with love and visualize your spouse or partner happy together. These brain messages go directly to the Universe bringing that in reality for you and soon you will see things happening.

The Mystic knot symbol is very beautiful and one of the most auspicious symbols in the Ashtamangala in Tibetan Buddhism culture. Use it with proper knowledge for your benefits and attract all that your heart desires, into limitless flow!

Thank you for coming by Razarts!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All The Best!
A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Razarts , You Tuber The Red Pilgrim. Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy, health, wealth, love and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!

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Powerful Karuna Reiki symbol Mara benefits you did not know! Clean your room! Experience live negativity clearing reiki video

Karuna Reiki is all about heart emotion compassion self acceptance, healing, today sharing a powerful use of the symbol Mara or Rama which y...