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Benefits of Soul Healing Paintings Why does the soul need to heal

Why soul healing is required ? 
Reiki harth symbol abstract painting heart healing
you will keep the struggle and never actually experience true joy wealth and health if there are karmic blocks and soul imperfections! heal your soul for success! read ahead! Soul healing is the most important thing to be considered. With technology and electronic gadgets we are moving away from mother earth. We stay in tall concreate jungles, sky scrapers and have forgotten the fresh scent of wet mud that is experienced from the first rain! We are so busy commuting to and fro to work and earn money, still it is never sufficient. The reason for this is we do not accept that our universe has everything in abundance. There is no need to struggle. Pray and have faith. This has lost the essence since we have lost faith. Doesn't the bird start its day without any knowledge from where it will get food? it has faith only on its wings, it flies in search of food. In Islam it has been quoted often that mankind has to go in search of food. This rat race will come to an end only on having faith in the grace of God.
Soul is the actual part, trust me, body is just a vehicle. you may find ancient souls in young bodies and aged people with smaller souls. Energy science is totally different and so is karmic path. Art is soothing, relaxing, cathartic and aesthetic. There are many attributes given to art. A painting when viewed takes one to another world. The viewer goes into deep thinking and is transferred to another realm. Healing art is one of the ways to help a person heal from within. It is known that our aura consists of many layers. We take medicines for sickness and feel right. But does the soul heal? many times the same problems keep erupting and this becomes a chronic disease. then comes the question that does the soul want to heal? if not? then why? Here Reiki healing art can help along with medicines to promote the well being and peace of mind.
Unhappy souls are seen everywhere even in the best of environments! The feelings of emptiness and vacuum are created when a person starts feeling alone when in group. This is a sign of the higher calling. The soul though may have achieved a lot of health, wealth and family may not have still got to the right purpose it was sent for. Each soul has its own journey and until this is achieved there will always be this emptiness and vacuum. Soul purposes is what we need to find and colelct and then follow to bring us a joyful fruitful life style. 
Spiritual symbols and Reiki symbol energy art can help one to unblock negativity,  relax, connect and meditate on the healing energies from these artworks and thus find the right direction and purpose for its presence.
Enjoy life to the fullest by being surrounded by symbols of peace, happiness, and a great life. The human brain has immense power which most of us never use and this energy goes untapped. Symbolic healing paintings help to connect this power of self to the universe , it acts like a bridge and helps one to achieve their life goals.

There may not be miracles but a slow change of progress can be seen over some months of being surrounded by these beautiful symbols. Every time a negative energy comes in or negative thought comes up the viewer will be reminded by the higher purpose of its existence , their goals, by viewing these artworks and thus come back to working towards achieving their goals and of their family
A gradual improvement in health, wealth and success of you and your family will be seen and even most problems coming up will be helped to dissolve sooner and easily.

What is sickness of the soul? We have heard of many diseases names and medicines but there is an unknown unaccepted sickness which is vastly seen but never diagnosed or treated, sickness of the soul. Soul has its different journey and many of us are made to follow the rest of the world as other do. Most of the times there are no problems and one leads the life according to the norms of society. The issue arises when the individual even when has wealth and health and a great family finds something in life missing.
Throat chakra healing art

The universe has a role for everyone. A different journey, thus we see  as one may be happy with a simple monthly income by doing what they love and the other even when earning in crores still is dissatisfied with life.  Sickness of the soul is manifested in many forms of symptoms. Physical symptoms may be in form of some chronic disease, some fears, some undiagnosed pains, some other problems like hair loss, skin problems, heart problems, and many diseases are often connected with the souls wish to come out from this. So however much everyone tries to help them they will not get healed and even medicines work slowly in healing processes when the individual does not have the inner desire to heal.
Soul knows what it wants but the body and brain do otherwise . this happens to protect self conservation, protect from harms and thus body takes a shell of sickness and loss of wealth and pity situations to excuse from enjoying success. Self limiting beliefs are to blame. 
chakra harmonizing Vaastu reiki painting

  With my original hand made art, Each healing painting is done with specific positive intentions  tuned to the positive energy force. Each artwork is done keeping in mind the individual aspects of life that may need healing. Even sick people suffering from chronic serious diseases on exposure to healing paintings will recover much faster as their soul will have a will to get better. I do not promise reiki art heals diseases, but surely you will notice much joy. Enjoy improved quality of life. Many healing  artworks are mostly for sickness of soul as we can see many people dissatisfied with life. They may have lots of money, property, houses, family but still there is some empty feeling. Here is the place where the soul is empty. This healing art will help them to reconnect them to their original nature, the one which God has given them, the mask created for the world will break and the true shy, hidden soul will emerge. One will find a very new and happy contended individual after the healing process. Hence I encourage viewers to display these artworks on walls where they can get daily dose of positivity The more exposure to the healing paintings the better healing. 
Harmonious chakras reiki Vaastu spiritual art

tranquility peace mind soul healing art

Grounding energy reiki symbol calligraphy art

women empowerment reiki healing symbolic painting

confidence and protection angel wings reiki artwork 

chakra activation reiki modern art collage

Grace blessings reiki painting for family room

Mai yur ma reiki symbol gateway to the soul painting

Its a beautiful life! hand written texts and symbols innocent raw joyful art

Wealth money and abundance of joy art
Give your soul what it most desires, it will thank you! Pure innocent joy! Life becomes a fairy tale! actually! if you are still struggling with basic joys you are doing it wrong! the universe has everything in abundance.. you just have to tap this correctly!
soul healing will immediately spread energy in your life with improved health wealth and relationships! Trust me there will be feelings of immense peace, life will not be bed of roses, but your will find energy, attitude and your perspective of life will change beautifully from depressed helpless victim attitude to person in charge of your own happiness! as for money.. it will flow easily and abundantly! so many emails I get about how to attract money luck, simple answer, heal your soul money, trust me, money is the easiest to attract! money flows easily in my life from good sources!
God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana! Thank You!
Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading reiki energy with the world through my spiritual symbol healing paintings. 
Reiki Midas star abundance magic symbol vibrant colours canvas painting

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