Finally what I have dreamed since ages, the conquering of the white dragon , Rohtang pass, mountains and the border of Tibet.
the flowing waters the majestic mountains and the snow. The visit of the Red Pilgrim to the destination for spiritual enlightenment and growth. Unplanned destination, unexpected visit, , destiny plans for us.
Visit to the Buddhist monastry and meeting new artists at the Roerich Art Gallery. On the whole an enlightening experience , come back with loads of inspiration.
Little did I know where this journey would take I painted the Tibetan mantra healing paintings
Om Mani Padme Hum Tibetan Mantra Paintings,The Key mantra.
the monks of Tibet. the Golden Buddha, the flags with the symbols...all what I have painted since the past few years , without viewing the actual symbols, only the blurred images and pictures... right in front of me... feels great! the journey of the Red Pilgrim continues...
The Flowing Waters of Manali |
Buddhist Monastry Manali |
The Buddhist temple with auspicious symbols |
The Buddhist Scriptures |
Buddhist temple |
The words engraved in metal. OM MANI PADME HUM. the rotating giant wheel, the vibrations of sound. This is true music and sound therapy for the soul. The movements of the wheel have to be done gently and as the rotating wheel moves you feel the vibrations in your aura and the purification process
The Metal Giant Hollow Wheel |
Healing artist Rizwana Mundewadi |
The Entrance of the Buddhist Temple |
Great Colourful Artworks on Buddhist temple |
Buddhist monastery Manali |
Rotating the Hollow Drums |
Care taker Monks in Buddhist monastry |
Rizwana at Buddhist monastry |
Majestic Buddhist Temple
View from Roerich Art gallery |
Thank you for coming by Rizwana's Google Blog Razarts!
Rizwana Mundewadi Wishing You All
The Best!
Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading joy,
health,wealth and success with my Reiki symbol healing Paintings!
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