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Showing posts with label power of manifestation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power of manifestation. Show all posts


first do it in your mind, power of manifestation, correct way to manifest wishes, why manifestations don't work?

First do it in your mind! have we all heard this many times, only rule of positivity, many also say fake it till you make it, manifest anything, but still many people struggle with this, why? sharing here the why and how to do it correctly. Remember, you can have it all! if you know the right way.

Making Reiki Sigil specific intentions art empowerment reiki
Creating art is no accident. One famous sculptor was asked how he carved such wonderful statues from block of marble; he replied "nothing", he said "nothing, i did nothing. The statue was already there, I just chiseled away the extra unnecessary marble"

the quote above I shared because it is we who have forgotten our true nature. we as pure souls have come upon this journey. Each one has been given a gift which most die even without realizing. we are the rocks that need the sculpture to chisel out the negative layers. Self limiting beliefs, taught fears, family that pulls our legs showing they care and friends that are jealous of our success thus hindering our progress. The Universe created us to be joyful, happy and we hardly smile!

It is so very true that nature has unlimited inspiration and as every artist digs deep no one is left empty. But this step first would require knowledge. So also our minds are fully loaded with so many thoughts every second and we are confused as to why our prayers are not getting answered or our manifestations are not working. I am not saying manifestations don't work, they do, but with reiki this assists in faster and much better joyful life results. 

The powerful manifestation symbol cho ku rei, triple coiled symbol amplifies energy to any specific intentions and wish. 

1) clear your mind first. confusing thought will not show you results. Like one day you ask the universe for 10,000 Dollars salary per month and then you doubt you are not fully qualified, or there is so much competition and how will you get a job, so this.. this block, self sabotaging thoughts are the reason blocking your success. For this meditation is necessary. I know its difficult to control the monkey brain, I have one! I keep things in front, am more visual type hence my symbols help me better in manifesting. I just have to view. there are many you tube videos I have made to assist you with your wish fulfillment. You Tube Channel The Red Pilgrim

2) choose the easiest way that is comfortable for you. many like to write on paper and keep under pillow. this way you don't confuse the universe. Once written you don't tamper the wishes till they are fulfilled.  

3) Use powerful symbols. Maybe at times karmic hindrances do come up and you know it is difficult to achieve your drams on just positive affirmations. You choose powerful symbols. Many get tattoos of symbols on body. Some use Bind runes. Some use Reiki and ancient symbols to attract wishes. 

These are sure shot ways to attract anything and everything, remember there is everything in abundance with the Universe, you just have to tap this correctly!

Reiki cho ku rei floral painting displayed here

All the Best from Rizwana!

Professional Reiki healing artist since year 2000 India.

Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading reiki energy with the world through my spiritual Reiki healing symbol paintings. Buy original healing art at razarts.

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