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Showing posts with label When the student is ready the teacher appears- Reiki Siechem Symbols - by Rizwana A Mundewadi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label When the student is ready the teacher appears- Reiki Siechem Symbols - by Rizwana A Mundewadi. Show all posts


When the student is ready the teacher appears- Reiki Siechem Symbols - by Rizwana A Mundewadi

"When the student is ready the teacher appears" my reiki and me, playing with symbols, loving them..visualizing.. reiki symbols , the process continues.. unfolding of new mysteries...the original reiki symbols and then came the non traditional reiki symbols. Another step up the ladder towards enlightenment, a higher level ...have now entered Reiki Seichem symbols and higher.. reiki Sechem . As the Reiki master continues the journey and leading a pure simple clear karmic life the ego begins to quiten and then finally slowly, emerges the true pure soul, a very shy soul who had taken back seat with the dominating ego, it emerges and comes forward as the true essence of the individual.

As I come to terms with my own karmic issues with each life experiences Healing paintings are beginning to show more of reiki symbols. Guided to use some and avoid some symbols. The symbols in themselves do not have any identity, it is the intention of the healer that gives them power and direction. Harth , halu open doors to true acceptance. The 'Cho Ku Rei' has progressed and become "Cho Ku Ret" with movement of clockwise and anti clockwise directions. As I continue there are four different Cho Ku Rei symbols that I love, protection and positivity, glowing in my strengthens the world around us..The writing of Reiki symbols starts from left to right and from top to bottom..look at the symbols , Eef Tchay-open to infinite wisdom, align with God the superior power, Mai ur ma- the heart and gateway to the soul..a symbol of love increases physical confidence, spiritual and emotional aspects and changes each lesson in our life into a positive learning experience.

Best spiritual high going deep into the pyramid of ' Harth' karuna Reiki ..protected loved cared for and confident! develop compassion love for life and what you do, try it , it works!

Zibu symbol healing art in progress

sigil I love myself! self empowerment  healing art in progress

I wish to make simple colourful understandable healing art.

Take Care and God Bless! 

All the Best from Rizwana!

Professional Reiki healing artist India since year 2000.

selling original Reiki symbol healing art at

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