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Clouds Rain and Water Symbolism in Paintings Where to hang rain and water subject paintings

Clouds are great sources of potential hidden energy and wealth. They are symbol of hope and good luck. With the beginning of Monsoons June 2015 with a BANG!Awesum greenery great blooms from my little space under the sun, this year was privileged to see the rainbow twice!Such wonders are so beautiful and bring us so close to the universe, its breathtakingly beautiful!
So to keep these feelings people buy  rain paintings, clouds and monsoon paintings. The inspiration for this post began with the thundering of clouds and the beauty of the rainbow.
Clouds are great, They have stored energy that bursts into the most precious life energy, water, that is life and wealth in feng shui.
From my little space under the sun, the Early sunrise Rizwana A
Saw the Rainbow twice this beginning of Monsoons, Awesum Luck

Welcoming Rains Rizwana A.Mundewadi
Water in feng shui is wealth.
rain is wealth and money in feng shui.
Clouds symbolize the beginning of something great, attracting luck.
Which images are harmful to be displayed in paintings-
1) Dark dull muddy clouds that project like angry forms within.
2) Lightening is most terrible to  display in any form and in any space.
3) Rains are great for north and wealth sectors but not for fame sector as it washes away your name and attracts ill luck and bad name in your field.
4) Stormy angry seas are a no no, never display them, if it is in relationship sector it will break relationships in a really bad manner.
5) If possible choose pink, yellow, orange, reds, great colors in sky when selecting sky cloud paintings. Avoid black and too many grays they dull the energy in your space.
6) Water is good as wealth, but dirty muddied water flowing in your painting is not good and reflect disillusionment and wrong opinions/notions.
7) If possible choose a landscape painting that also has earth energy along with heaven luck.That is having green growth at base and with clouds and rain above.
Do share your paintings, symbolism behind each, and understand them better.and how well you can benefit from displaying them in best places for maximum feng shui benefits.
"The Golden Rain" symbolic Wealth feng shui painting by Rizwana A.Mundewadi

All the Best from Rizwana!

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