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Chinese Symbols Characters and List of Chinese Character Names in Calligraphy Art

Chinese Symbols Characters and Names in Art have been used by artists who usually use inks and basic colors to make art. The language with its beauty and simplicity has been taught by teachers in form of Chinese Calligraphy. There are the traditional Chinese Calligraphy and  the non traditional ones.
The Language is written with minimal strokes forming what is termed as Characters. Each word represents and has a lot of meanings. Traditional Chinese Calligraphers use colored inks. Basically used with special calligraphy brushes.
Some of the beautiful characters which I am fascinated by are used in my art are for simply spreading happiness and joy.
Golden Ladder of Success by Rizwana A Sold to an Indian art buyer.
These Chinese Characters are been seen since year 2009 in many of my healing paintings.
1) Happiness and Double Happiness
2) Health
3) Wealth
4) Love
5) Good Luck
6) Harmony
7) Peace
8) Honour
9) Prosperity
10) Wisdom
11) Grace
12) Respect
13) Success
14) Truth
15) Destiny
16) Karma
17) Strength
18) Courage
19) Ambition
20) Music
21) Soul mate
22) Passion
23) Universe
24) Serenity
25) Enlightenment
26) Fame
27) Treasure
28) Laugh
30) Patience
31) Tranquility
32) Honesty
33) Virtue
35) Loyalty
Beautiful Love by Rizwana A.M
A combination of these Chinese Characters are seen in my art and each one having a much deeper meaning and spreading of positivity around. 
Every Chinese character is written gracefully and itself looks beautiful as an art form. Like the symbol Love has a roof shaped top, the lower part symbolizes a lady embracing, hand shake and every symbol has its own symbolic meaning. Honor is a beautiful symbol, so is truth and in Chinese culture it is considered very auspicious to git such symbol art and hang these in home and office for good feng shuii. I have a combination of symbols written with lots of love in my Reiki symbol healing paintings. Intentions are most important and allowing the mind to be free of thoughts, mindfulness. 
Visit my You Tube Channel The Red Pilgrim for Chinese symbol and Reiki ancient symbols writing videos. and more videos

Reiki symbol calligraphy healing paintings for sale

Hope this helps you.
Thank you and All the Best from Rizwana!
Do visit my website for buying original reiki feng shuii paintings

All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.Mundewadi

                  DO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA!

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