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How to overcome life struggles with reiki symbol art Healing struggles and problems. with Reiki Healing Art

A very important use of reiki symbol art is healing struggles and problems. Any problem can be solved with use of reiki art energy . Karmic past live issues that block progress can be healed to make way for a bright future. The intentions have to be clear and pure, again I mention pure and clear because negative feelings, harm to others and jealousy to other will not happen however much you try using this energy.
While you wish for success do not ask for some one else to be going down , the universe has everything in abundance and you just have to tap this. Your mind is the strong powerhouse of thoughts that can work miracles when guided in correct manner.
When one strives hard to achieve success and works with all might but does not get the desired results then it is understood you are at the wrong door. Reiki symbol feng shui healing art can help you to connect to your life goals, realize your true potential, accept your strong and limiting points and thus work towards a better goal. Problems regarding finding true love, maintaining harmony among family members and healing relationships is also another aspect of healing paintings.
Life is meant to go with the flow and never against it, and when the soul finds its true calling the journey may not be easy but exciting it surely becomes.

Spread Your Wings , symbolic  healing painting by Rizwana

Oil Painting on Canvas Rizwana Mundewadi's Healing Art

Use reiki energy, it is free and the whole universe will come to help you. Dream big and achieve success in any field. Anyone can with clear mind and pure heart attract this magical energy form the universe. Reiki healing art is one way to actually see and feel the power of these symbols, the symbols direct the mind to focus on certain energies and help to unblock energy that blocks progress. 
Open yourself to pure energy and welcome a great life!
Take Care and All the Best from Rizwana!

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