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Complete Joy Total Happiness Feminine Power Update on Embracing the Chaos painting

Unfurling of the hidden energy, the feminine power, embracing the chaos!
As I continue to paint healing art, there is this unexplainable feeling, which comes with every painting, total happiness!  latest healing feng shui artwork.
Untitled Copper and Black reiki calligraphy abstract large art

Romantic expressions roses abstract pair of reiki paintings

Chakra activation Empowerment spiritual painting displayed

Soap Carvings Done in Year 2000 by Rizwana Mundewadi
 After painting trees, lots of trees, Gulmohar tree at our society compound was cut down and I had this spiritual connection where I bruised myself but found hidden treasures among the natural shapes of the tree and its roots, as if communicating, a hidden beauty, and as I gave form to these wonders of nature,  and furniture and naturally colors flowing on paints with complete spiritual abstract paintings, lots of them on paper, there were also my hobby ideas, soap carvings done beautifully with fragrant soaps along with hand made paper weights and colorful glass bottles.
Soap Carvings Done in Year 2000
Soap carving is a refined skill that involves complete fine motor co-ordination and finger control. What more, even after fourteen years the soap carvings still smell fresh of the fragrant soaps used for this! what a memorable gifting option!
after all these years and still continuing I try very hard to paint innocently, the level of abandon I know comes after years and years, The urge to paint breaking the rules of themes, color schemes, and compositions, spreading pure smiles,
it is but an evolved state of complete abandon, where I do not choose, it flows, the love for symbols, the love for healing,
Effortless,a sort of tapasya, a meditation, a journey, and at the beginning step, there are hidden treasures along, gems of knowledge, the connection with the higher self,  The natural course my art is taking, as I continue to go with the flow...there is a level of obsession, a madness, unexplained, and energy flowing...which I need to explain and spread.
Beginning of Embracing the Chaos on December 31st 2013

Embracing the Chaos January 2014

Embracing the Chaos oil painting on canvas February 2014

meanwhile the painting" Embracing the Chaos" still hanging proudly on my wall, with its identity of own, as I continue making simple colorful strokes, coming at peace with self, an outlet from all the emotional turmoils and chaos of bombardment of ideas and concepts in the mind, the beginning was on night of December 31st 2013 and I have this spiritual promise that I will continue to allow its growth along with my spiritual growth, till the end of this year December 2014, hoping for more unfurling spiritual experiences from the universe! 
While on this spiritual journey of The Red Pilgrim,as I continue to paint healing art...I wish to make simple colorful understandable art, art that heals.
Do visit my website, you are welcome!
Thank You!
Have a Great Day and a Great Life!
Happy International Women's Day!
Happy Kundalini! Reiki large canvas painting

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