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Aum Series Paintings in water colour Year 2005

The sound of silence can be felt and heard. When we recognize sound as of water flowing, birds chirping and leaves rustling whenever we sit in quiet for mediation I have noticed that sound is every where. There is no such thing as silence. Sit quietly for some time daily to recognize the sound of silence. The inanimate things also make noise and sound of TV, your furniture and gas stove all can be heard when you sit for some time and pay attention. there are many sounds that can be heard and as you travel through the journey of silence you will understand that there is really no such thing as silence, except for a sound proof room , but even here you will be aware of your heart beats!
Swastik and Aum -water Colour painting sound of Aum is very important and is used in many healing therapies. Not only the symbol of aum but the vibrations created by the sound aum are very powerful and of symbolic importance. the sound of aum is a resonating one and can be used to improve mental and emotional health. Many healers advise chanting the aum mantra for well being and peace. During the learning of Reiki our teacher guided us to the chanting of this aum mantra with a technique to open up the crown chakra. This is very essential to open your soul, body and mind to the energy and light of the universe.
water Colour series 'Aum'
 Aum is a Sanskrit symbol used in Hinduism. Aum represents the Universe as a whole in a single form.
Symbolic Painting By healing Artist
 The father , mother that create, the U stands for evolution of an new life and soul, the M for absorbing all that is created. As a whole it is a complete symbol and a very powerful one. The sacred sound of the universe.
Healing Art by Healing Artist
 Aum is not only protects the aura but also chanting this purifies the soul and attracts peace and prosperity.
Aum Series in water Colour by Rizwana Mundewadi
 The chanting of this symbol opens up your crown or first chakra, a dark purple or white light enters the body and your soul and purifies them and also seals and protects your body as well as aura.
Aum Series paintings by Rizwana Mundewadi
 The breaking sound of emptiness or the first sound is that of aum and a spiritual healer has to clear off blocks of all chakra for becoming a good healer.
Aum series in water Colour
While using the symbol of aum and swastik in my paintings year 2005, I have studied the symbol deeply and tried to understand the meanings and implementations of this powerful symbol. many people use this symbol for protection and we see houses adorned with symbols of aum in metal , wood and man other materials. paintings on aum are also one of the most sought after in symbolic paintings , here in India.
The aum series of paintings are done in water colour on paper size 8x10.5 Inches using water colour in the year 2005. 16 paintings belong to this series of aum.
I have also used the symbol of Trishul in one painting but after that the journey of spiritual geometry began, the play of circle and the dance of triangle along with the stability of the square all came up in my later paintings done in oil paints.

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