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Meaning of Reiki Symbol to Heal Karmic Attachments

Reiki symbol for healing the past lives, karmic blockages and present turmoils Hon Sha Ze Sho Nein, as say Reiki Masters, connecting, beyond space, time with symbols. A very rarely used symbol most of my works till date have the emotional healing symbol, one that connects the body soul and forms a triple connection, man woman child. And the power symbol Cho Ku Rei, meaning literally "put the power here'.
Refreshing Blessings

Moving to another level in healing this symbol has energies to connect over space and time and bring about healing at the present and past levels. Reiki can be used to give protection, purification, improve health and wealth, heal struggles and easen out the self from emotional as well as physical turmoils and blockages. This symbol works on the mental and conscious level of mind , acting as a bridge.
In simple meaning the symbol indicates no past no present no future. The symbol at soul level heals all past traumas and energies that are blocking progress in the present.
The best part of Reiki is that it can be used to heal your future. By using this powerful symbol incidents, occasions and circumstances can be planned and healed for a healthy future.
Reiki will give what is ethical, appropriate from the divine, and what is good in your interests.
Intentions of the healer are very important otherwise these are just lines.
I have always mentioned, the universe has everything in abundance, we just have to tap this. Reiki symbolic paintings are in no way a replacement to traditional medicines or replacement to medical therapies. But Reiki is a powerful tool to heal at the emotional and karmic level bringing about peace and acceptance.
The basic cause of many problems coming up in life sometimes can be healed at the present but in case their are past life blocks they will, whatever you do, block progress and happiness, prosperity and wealth, in this present.
Stay Simple, Have Pure Thoughts, Have a Great Day!

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