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Showing posts with label how to store framed paintings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to store framed paintings. Show all posts


Art of Framing New Art Collectors Framing Tips for Paintings

My First Floral painting, "Outstanding" by Rizwana
 As the journey of the red pilgrim began , more than a decade ago, it seems like a life time, I have experienced that with our art, there is another very very important art which every artist must know, that is 'the art of framing'. Before beginning an art collection every art collector also looks at the final product they are paying for. With the frame an painting looks complete.This I realized when my most precious painting got  sacrificed at the hands of an amateur carpenter. The pulling and stretching of canvas for framing is a tricky skill, which only experienced framers know. It was trimmed and trimmed, from corners, and made to fit the wooden frame! And believe me this is very important for every painting.
Freedom, Oil painting by Rizwana
 Every painting looks complete with a different frame. As we paint on canvas or paper, or any other material , every artist knows that there are different requirements of frames for their work. As an oil painting on paper would require a glass covered frame, the same work done on canvas will require only varnishing for protection and a wooden frame to hold the canvas.
Floral painting on Linen by Rizwana
Acrylic frames are cheap and also removable, with costs of frames rising high many artists prefer to have changeable frames so that after the exhibition of their paintings they can reuse the same frames for other works.
Art Collectors framing tips for Paintings- It also helps art collectors to have good quality frames as their masterpieces displayed in homes need to be dressed up. A golden bordered frame will increase the aesthetic appeal of an artwork, and some go well with silver, whereas some collectors refer their at to be framed in matte finish frames or textured frames.
It is very important for an art collector to have good quality frames made, that which will protect the painting for many years. They may also go in for removable frames if they wish to keep changing art on display in their homes and companies. Frames when easy to remove will help to store many more paintings in less space, as the artworks can be rolled easily.
Good quality wood or material is required for framing your prized possessions as the costly canvas paintings need firm and strong support. paper paintings also need to be protected from environmental hazards and temperature changes.
An important tip for new art collectors is to go in for collecting same sized works and removable changeable frames. This will allow you to keep changing the art on display without having to spend every time for framing painting. You, a new art collector may change the art on display every few weeks or months as desired if you have same sized paintings in your art collection. This will also give you the liberty to go in for good quality frames as you will make few ones of higher quality as compared to many. There is another important point for every new art collector, buying art is one thing , displaying, storing it is another. Hence select your painting frames with care and some thought on how you wish to display the art. Framed Paintings are best when they are displayed on walls,
Golden Frame

White Frame
this increases the life of your paintings as well as life of the frame. As there are many chances of paintings getting damaged on storing. Framed paintings must be stacked vertically standing in row without touching each other. Consider these simple tips before going in for huge costly frames for your art collection.
For buying my paintings visit my website  Thank you.
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!

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