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Awaken Your Intuition! Mindfulness Soft Focus with Meditation Art! Third eye activation

Awaken your intuition! Focus is what is running away from us. Unknowingly we are driving away mindfulness by the excessive use of technology. You will find everyone engrossed in their mobile phones and not even present attentive on the road while crossing, this is going from bad to worse! Radiations and web rays have taken over and we are losing up on life chi and life energy ,people gradually are becoming weaker physically and hence the need of the hour is mindfulness, to come back to soul purpose, to take care of mind body and spirit. Reiki art comes of assistance here. For success in health wealth and career we need clarity and focus on goals. We have to stop the obsessions with gaming and finding quick money through harmful karmic means.
Reiki Cho Ku Rei abstract cubism art

Third eye activation modern reiki art 

For progress, for work, for creativity, focus is very important. In any job, any professional field, getting clarity and focus is very important.
The most important chakras that affect clarity and focus are the third eye, crown and root chakra. While we have known since ages that the Third eye chakra, the blue chakra is related to intuition. I have with extensive Reiki reading and healing also found that the solar plexus is connected. And also the root chakra.
Healing single chakra will not show you results.
All Chakras need to be balanced and in harmony.
Mantra Symbols that activate the third eye chakra is "aum" the solar plexus is activated with the mantra "rum" and the root chakra has its mantra "lum"
Visualizing and chanting these mantras helps in chakra activation.
Wall art is a great way to get clarity and mindfulness with meditation healing art.
Getting clarity, focus on life goals and task at hand , did you try this? what experiences did you get? did it help you gain intuitive quality? do share!
All the Best from Rizwana!
Making Om symbol art collage

Like ,share comment for the love of symbolism! If you would like advice on Reiki, chakra activation, Kundalini, symbols art,  feng shuii tips do email me, I would be really happy to help! all emails are answered free, they have been since past many years  and will be continued free! The happy emails of success are what makes this worth for me!It is between me and the Universe!
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
Red Cho Ku Rei art for office

Rizwana Mundewadi, Your's The Red Pilgrim Wishing You All The Best! 

a professional symbolist painter, healing artist since year 2000 making spiritual symbol art to spread Reiki energy for personal power activation, self  empowerment, soul healing, family blessings  and Joy with world through my Reiki symbol healing paintings! Reiki paintings for Abundant Life 

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Powerful symbol for manifesting wealth

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